Working Capital Loan – Molise Region

What is the loan is aimed at dealing with the needs of reinstatement of the circulating capital. To those who add themselves, the micro, small and medium -sized enterprises (MPMI) and professionals who are equated to small and medium -sized enterprises can apply. Companies must have registered and/or operational headquarters in the Molise Region. What does unsecured loan provide. 

FEARS Tuscany 2023-2027 Submeasure 19.1 “Preparatory support” – Local development strategies to be implemented with the intervention SRG06 EAFRD 2023-2027

What is according to the provisions of art. 4 of Reg. (EU) n. 2220/2020, the submission 19.1 "Preparation support" of the 2014-2022 Rural Development Program of the Tuscany Region supports the development of the skills and preparatory actions aimed at processing and future implementation of local participatory strategies-leader method-pursuant to the new legal framework [...]

“Italian Hospitality” Certification Notice – Year 2024 – Chamber of Commerce of Alessandria – Asti

What is the announcement, created in collaboration with Isnart - National Tourist Research Institute, is aimed at qualifying the tourist offer of the accommodation and catering companies of the provinces of Alessandria and Asti through the obtaining of the quality certification on a voluntary basis called "Italian hospitality" through the attribution of a rating. To those who turn are admitted to […]

Participation of the Calabria Region in Ferien Messe Wien 2024

What is the warning is aimed at identifying companies for participation in Ferien Masse, which will be held in Masses in Vienna from 14 to 17 March 2024. To those who turn companies in the area operating in travel, winter and cultural tourism sectors. What does support for participation in the fair requires. 

Marginal Municipalities Support Fund – Municipality of Regalbuto

What is the sum assigned is intended for the “adjustment of properties belonging to the available assets of the Municipality and precisely interventions on the property site via Garibaldi n. 254 and surveyed to the urban cadastre of Regalbuto to the fg. 58 Part. 1177, to be granted on loan for free use to natural or legal persons, with public tender. To whom it turns […]

Annual 2020 – Municipality of Mongongiori – Non-repayable contributions for economic, artisanal and commercial activities

What is supporting the economic, artisan and commercial activities of the Municipality of Morgagiori to be worth on the national support fund referred to in the DPCM 24 September 2020. To those who turn, the owners of artisan and commercial activities, small businesses and micro -enterprises, with an operational unit in the territory of the Municipality [...] can access the funding of this action.

Call to support new businesses in Modena – Year 2024

What is the announcement is intended for new active companies, with registered office and/or local unit in the province of Modena, registered in the business register with the same date or subsequent to 01/01/2024. To those who turn the announcement is aimed at small and medium -sized enterprises of the province of Modena. What the announcement provides for the concession of […]

Guarantee Fund – Loan guarantees for SMEs and small mid-cap companies (2024 measures)

What is guarantees on loans for SMEs and small medium -capitalization companies. Article 15-bis of Legislative Decree 145/2023 introduces partially derogatory rules to the ordinary discipline of the guarantee fund for SMEs. To those who turn to SMEs and medium -sized enterprises and the Mid Caps operating in all economic sectors. What does points include […]