Vinitaly 2024 announcement – ​​Contributions for Mantua companies

What is a ban on supporting the Mantuan companies that participated in a collective event in the "Vinitaly - 2024" event which took place in Verona near Veronafiere from 14 to 17 April 2024. To those who turn, the concessions provided for by this call for the micro, small and medium -sized companies Mantuan present in the area coordinated by [...]

Collaborate & Innovate call

What is the measure finances complex industrial research projects and experimental development of a total amount of at least 3,500,000.00 euros carried out with collaboration between SMEs, large companies and research bodies, to encourage large strategic investments for the development of product or process innovations. To those who turn partnerships of at least 3 subjects up [...]

2024 certification notice – North West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce

What is within the framework of the initiatives for the competitiveness of companies, aimed at promoting the development of the local economic system, the North-West Tuscan Chamber of Commerce has provided for the concession of voucher to support the adoption of certified management systems or the acquisition of product or professional certifications. To whom the announcement is addressed is […]

Municipality of Ovada - Granting of non-repayable contributions to micro and small businesses carrying out direct retail sales of goods or services and the provision of food and drinks to the public

What is a call for the granting of non -refundable contributions to micro and small companies operating direct sales activities for detail of goods or services and activities of administration to the public of food and drinks, in a fixed headquarters and on a public area, in the territories within the "Urban District of the Ovada trade". To whom [...]

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Cuneo – Call for tenders for the creation of support courses for businesses regarding the adoption of artificial intelligence solutions

What is the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce intends to support the trade associations or bodies/service companies connected to them in the creation of accompanying paths of companies based and/or local unit in the province of Cuneo regarding the adoption/application of artificial intelligence solutions (AI) aimed at spreading the new digital culture, through [...]

Call for funding for research and development projects carried out by Regional Innovative Networks and Industrial Districts – PR Veneto FESR 2021-2027

What is the announcement supports industrial research and experimental development projects ("R&D projects") carried out in collaboration between companies, professionals and research bodies. The R&S projects however concern the implementation of applied objectives and priorities expressed by regional innovative networks (RIR) or by industrial districts (as defined by regional law 30 May [...]

SWIch 2024 Call – Support for CSR activities and the economic valorisation of innovation

What is the announcement aims to support the research, development and enhancement of innovation (RSI), through the provision of contributions to the expenditure within the terms provided by the announcement itself, such as: - the development and/or progress of relevant scientific and technological results in the research areas identified in the regional strategy of intelligent specialization 2021 -2027 of the [...]

FVG – Contributions for the promotion of the activities of the Pro loco associations and for the establishment, operation and activities of the Pro loco offices – 2024

What is the regional administration is authorized to annually transfer resources to the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Committee of the National Union of the Pro Loco of Italy (UNPLI) in order to provide contributions for the settlement and functioning of the offices of the Pro Loco and for the settlement and functioning of the offices of the Consortiums of the Pro Loco associations. To whom you [...]