Critical and Emerging Technologies (STEP)

calls and opportunities

What is intervention is part of the national research, innovation and competitiveness program 2021-27 in support of research and development projects, to be carried out in the territories of the less developed regions, consistent with the technological sectors falling within the scope of the regulation (EU) n. 2024/795, which establishes a platform for strategic technologies for Europe (Strategic Technologies for [...]

Diginnova Agile – Notice 4/204 – FonARcom

calls and opportunities

What is the Fonarcom inter -professional fund finances with this announcement the continuous training activities in favor of the participating companies located throughout the national territory. To those who turn to the training plans, companies belonging to Fonarcom since their insertion in the plan can be proposed. They are admitted for the benefit: - the adhering companies [...]

3I Voucher – Investing in innovation

calls and opportunities

What is the "Voucher 3i - Investing in innovation" supports innovation by encouraging the purchase of professional services, rendered exclusively by lawyers and consultants in industrial property, for the patenting of industrial inventions. To those who turn the measurement is aimed at startups and micro -enterprises. What does the "Voucher 3i" includes to acquire the following consultancy services [...]

Announcement Voucher for the Tourism sector - Year 2024 - Naples Chamber of Commerce

calls and opportunities

What is the Naples Chamber of Commerce finances, through vouchers, the support and promotion of tourism, involving micro, small and medium -sized enterprises in the sector, thus contributing to the enhancement of the local economic system. To those who turn to the concessions that have the registered office or a local unit in the territorial district of the [...] are admissible to the concessions.

Announcement for Energy Transition Voucher – Year 2024 – Naples Chamber of Commerce

calls and opportunities

What is the Naples Chamber of Commerce, as part of the activities envisaged by the Transition 4.01 plan and in implementation of the "Double digital and ecological double transition" project, it intends to encourage the start of the companies of paths to encourage the energy transition Through energy efficiency interventions, introduction of renewable energy sources (Fer) and participation in [...]

Notice of digital transition voucher - Year 2024 - Naples Chamber of Commerce

calls and opportunities

What is the Naples Chamber of Commerce, as part of the activities envisaged by the Transition 4.01 plan and in implementation of the "Double digital and ecological double transition" project, it intends to promote the spread of culture and digital practice in micro, small and medium -sized enterprises , of all economic sectors through economic support for digitization initiatives, also [...]

Call for Internationalization Voucher – Year 2024 – Naples Chamber of Commerce

calls and opportunities

What is the Naples Chamber of Commerce aims to promote the competitiveness of micro, small and medium -sized enterprises of all economic sectors through the support of the acquisition of services intended for the implementation of internationalization programs of companies, also through a more widespread Use of digital not only which tool but also leverage for […]

2024 Skills Certification Notice – Naples Chamber of Commerce

calls and opportunities

What is with this initiative, the Chamber of Commerce of Naples, intends to encourage and support the participation of companies in paths aimed at development, in "non -formal and informal" learning contexts, transversal skills and orientation (PCto), which They allow students to obtain a third party certification issued by the Chamber of Commerce, in consideration of [...]

Tax credit for investments in Simplified Logistics Zones (ZLS)

What is the facilitating measure "Tax credit for investments in simplified logistics areas (ZLS)" is a contribution in the form of a tax credit, recognized for investments made in the simplified logistical areas (ZLS) referred to in the article 13 of the decree-law 7 May 2024, n. 60, limited to areas eligible for aid for regional purpose pursuant to the article [...]

Toscana Tech on the road

What is the warning is aimed at selecting 15 Tuscan innovative start -ups and SMEs that will participate in the second edition of "Toscana Tech on the Road", a promotion initiative of Tuscany A Altainnovo Technological in San Francisco (USA), which will be held from 2 to 6 December 2024 at Casa Toscana in Innovit - Italian Innovation and Culture [...]