2024 tender for Cremona companies in the beekeeping sector - Cremona Chamber of Commerce

What is the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Cremona intends to support the beekeeping sector of the territory of the Province of Cremona, affected by environmental and climatic variations that have led to the drops in production. It is therefore intended to activate support for the maintenance of the apistic population in life, encouraging the purchase of bees families, nourishment [...]

Establishment incentives – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

What is a call for the granting of incentives aimed at the realization of new production settlements, or new settlements of advanced initiatives in the technological field or expansions or production programs of companies already settled, in any case having significant employment effects. To those who turn busy companies: a) in the industrial agglomerations under the competence of the consortia of […]

Announcement “Double digital and ecological transition” – Year 2024 – Chamber of Commerce of Cagliari-Oristano

What is a call aimed at promoting the use, by micro, small and medium -sized enterprises, of services or solutions focused on digital skills and technologies, in implementation of the strategy defined in the transition 4.0 plan., Incentivize the start, from part of the companies, of paths to encourage energy transition through energy efficiency interventions, introduction of sources [...]

Financing for the promotion of the agri-food product of the FVG Region - Year 2024

What is funding referring to the promotion of the agri -food sector of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, not made directly by Promo Turismo FVG. To those who are aimed at the funding are those subjects operating in the agri -food and wine sector on the regional territory. What the facility provides for the granting of subsidy/contribution for product promotion events [...]

Internal Areas Fund - Annual 2022 - Municipality of Mezzojuso

What is the incentive is financed in the context of the Common Internal Areas Fund, Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 24 September 2020. To those who turn to the economic, artisan and commercial activities with registered office and/or operational activities in Municipality of Middlejuso. What provides for the disbursement of non -refundable contributions. Recapiti: Telephone (+39) 0918203237Fax (+39) […]

Announcement for the participation of Cremona companies in the international Music China 2024 fair - Cremona Chamber of Commerce

What is the Cremona Chamber of Commerce intends to encourage the participation of Cremonese companies in the Music China 2024 Fair, which will be held in Shanghai (China) from 10 to 13 October 2024. To those who turn micro, small and medium -sized enterprises, them Cooperatives and consortia, with registered office and/or operational in the province of Cremona, active [...]

Asbestos Notice 2023 – Emilia-Romagna Region

What is a announcement that aims to encourage companies on the regional territory to carry out removal and disposal interventions of artifacts containing asbestos, present in properties workplace for staff in charge of production, tertiary and commercial activities of companies, with the aim of protecting workers' health [...]

Bank credit facilities in favor of businesses in the Municipality of Collecchio - Year 2024

What is the intervention is intended for companies that have an interest in stipulating a loan assisted by Confidi guarantee and that carry out:- material investments (machinery, equipment, renovations, installations and systems adjustment, environmental remediation);- Intangible investments (consultancy , patents, software, training, quality, research expenses, starting);- company liquidity interventions, demobilization credits and consolidation passivity a who [...]

Announcement for "compensations in favor of companies that have suffered inconvenience due to large construction sites" - Bologna metropolitan area - Year 2024

What is a call "Ristori in favor of companies that have suffered inconvenience due to large construction sites - year 2024". To those who turn micro, small and medium -sized enterprises with registered office/local operating unit in the Metropolitan area of ​​Bologna. What provides for restricted refreshments as a function of the percentage of the falling of turnover recorded in the 1st [...]