First start up growth announcement – 2024 – Piedmont Region
What is the announcement intends to support entrepreneurial development projects created by innovative start -ups with a high knowledge content, whether they are already present in Piedmont or who want to settle in the region and who are in the validation of the business project and first growth. The facility is made up of a lost contribution [...]
Suspension of payment of subsidized mortgage installments provided for by regional laws - Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta - 2024
What is in the suspension for a period of 12 months of paying the installments of the subsidized mortgages provided for by various regional laws, without the payment of default interest and additional charges by the beneficiaries of the measure. To those who turn the measurement is aimed at resident natural persons and businesses [...]
Cascading call for companies – iNEST Project – Spoke 4 Cities, sustainable architecture and design - Southern Italy
What is the NEST (ECS00000043) program financed by the European Union - Next Generation EU on the PNRR MUR - M4C2 funds - 1Vevation 1.5. Notice "Innovation ecosystems" promotes a scheme based on cascade funding (Cascade Funding) to support the MPAMI, start-ups and other entities interested in the issues of the ecosystem and the topics covered by the spoke and involve [...]
Cascading call for companies – iNEST Project – Spoke 4 Cities, sustainable architecture and design – Triveneto – Second round 2024
What is the NEST (ECS00000043) program financed by the European Union - Next Generation EU on the PNRR MUR - M4C2 funds - 1Vevation 1.5. Notice "Innovation ecosystems" promotes a scheme based on cascade funding (Cascade Funding) to support the MPAMI, start-ups and other entities interested in the issues of the ecosystem and the topics covered by the spoke and involve [...]
Notice of new small credit fund - First window 2024, Lazio Europe
What is the notice provides for the disbursement subject to exhaustion, of subsidized rate loans The concession consists of a zero rate loan, with the following characteristics:- minimum amount: Euro 10,000.00; - maximum amount: € 50,000.00; - Duration: 60 months, including pre -amortization; - Preamortation: 12 months (mandatory); -Tass of interest: zero; - Mora interest rate: 2% on the basis of the year [...]
Spoke 2 cascade call – New businesses, Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce
What is the Rome Technopole program (ECS00000036) financed by the European Union - Next Generation EU on the PNRR MUR funds - M4C2 - 1Vevation 1.5. Notice "Innovation ecosystems" promotes a scheme based on cascade funding (Cascade Funding) to support SMEs, start-ups and other entities interested in the issues of the "Rome Technopole" program and the topics covered by [...]
“Crescere 2024”: contributions to businesses for damage from the floods of May 2023 – Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini
What is the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna, using funds made available by the Emilia-Romagna Region, allocates the sum of € 1,000,000.00 to intervene with an extraordinary contribution aimed at supporting continuity and restart in a perspective restart and competitiveness in favor of companies damaged by the alluvial events of May 2023. To whom [...]
Internal Areas Fund – Municipality of Otricoli – Annual 2022
What is a public notice for the provision of lost contributions for the management costs incurred by economic, commercial and artisanal activities operating in the municipality of Otricoli as valid on annuality 2022. To those who turn economic, commercial and artisanal activities operating in the municipality of Otricoli. What provides for the disbursement of lost -end contributions for […]
Call for international fairs 2024-2026 – Unioncamere Lombardia
What is the incentive aims to promote the attractiveness of the "Lombardy System" on global markets, creating opportunities for meeting between Italian and foreign entrepreneurs to attract investments and to promote commercial agreements, through support, with an ease a lost fund, in the participation of micro, small and medium -sized enterprises in the international trade fair events that take place [...]
Call for contributions to support the tourism supply chain – Year 2024 (24FT) – Province of Vicenza
What is lost contributions to support actions aimed at strengthening the safety of the structures of the tourist supply chain. To those who turn to the contribution can request the companies that prevalently carry out one of the activities indicated by article 3 of the announcement at the registered office; This activity must also be practiced in the […]
Extended partnerships – “Future artificial intelligence – fair” project
What is a public call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at the granting of funding for activities consistent with the program to be worth on the resources of the national plan resumption and resilience (PNRR) Mission 4, "Education and Research" - component 2, "from Research to the company " - Investment line 1.3, financed by the European Union - Nextgenerationu", "Future Artificial [...] project
IPCEI Hydrogen 3
What is IPCEI HY2INFRA (commonly, IPCEI Hydrogen 3) supports investment activities in infrastructure for hydrogen with the aim of achieving objectives of EU political initiatives such as European Green Deal, the repower EU Plan and the EU Hydrogen Strategy, including:- the realization of 3.2 GW of large-scale electrolysis for the production of renewable hydrogen; - [...]