Internal Areas Fund - Annual 2021 - Municipality of Alfano

What is the announcement, in implementation of the "support fund for the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the economic system of the Municipality of Alfano. To whom the beneficiaries of this notice is addressed are the small and micro companies that: a) carry out, on the date of submission of the application, economic activities in the commercial field [...]

Announcement for energy transition vouchers 2024 - Valle d'Aosta

What is with this announcement is intended to finance, through non -funding contributions (voucher), the acquisition of consultancy and training services, by highly qualified and competent figures, aimed at promoting: a. The rationalization of the use of energy by companies, through the realization of energy efficiency interventions, reducing consumption and [...]

II public notice for the granting of contributions to micro or small businesses in the trade and administration of food and beverages operating within the territorial scope of the Widespread Commercial District of Lake Maggiore

What is the objective of this announcement is to encourage the sector of retail trade and the administration of food and drinks, whose operational headquarters are included in the perimeter of the district, through the support of investments that can increase the quality and the The image of the territory, thus encouraging the redevelopment, modernization or even the [...]

“THE cascade call – Tuscany Health Ecosystem” SPOKE 1 – PNRR – Mission 4 Education and Research, Component 2 From research to business, Investment 1.5 Creation and strengthening of “Ecosystems”

What is the cascade tender - Tuscany Health Ecosystem ", Spoke 1, ECS00000017, Cup B83C22003930001 financed in the field of PNRR, Mission 4 Education and Research, component 2 from research to the company, investment 1.5 creation and strengthening of" ecosystems. To those who turn public bodies/university/research bodies/companies/foundations. What does it provide for the realization of projects, even in partnership, as part of the project […]

Call for participation in the Sbrisolona Festival 2024 - Mantua Chamber of Commerce

What is the announcement of the Mantua Chamber of Commerce promotes support for Mantuan companies participating in the Festival della Sgrisolona and Italian desserts scheduled in Mantua from 18 to 20 October 2024. To whom the incentive is addressed is intended for MPMI Mantovane what provides for a maximum contribution of 2,000.00 […]

Aid for consultancy services – Autonomous Province of Trento

What is the facilitative measure supports the consultancy services, purchased outside the company and started after the date of submission of the application. Consultancy services included among the following types are facilitated:- Consultancy services regarding innovation;- Innovation support services;- Consultancy services regarding the protection of the environment and energy;- Services [...]

Contributions for the construction of arenas for outdoor events and shows – 2024 – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

What is the incentive provides for contributions to public bodies and private entities, excluding natural persons, who usually carry out cultural and promotion activities of the territory, through the creation of arenas and other sites however called intended for events and outdoor shows, also through the renovation or redevelopment of existing structures, which take into account ecological-environmental sustainability, logistical suitability [...]

Modernization of agricultural machinery – PNRR Lombardy Region

What is PNRR-Mission 2 component 1-Investment 2.3 Innovation and mechanization in the agricultural and food sector-submission "modernization of agricultural machines" the announcement provides for the granting of contributions to agro-mechanical companies and micro, small medium-sized agricultural enterprises and the their cooperatives and associations, as defined for Annex I of Regulation (EU) [...]