Aid in environmental matters with the Pact – Autonomous Province of Trento

What is the announcement provides for concessions for investment initiatives relating to:- woody biomass systems for production processes (sub-meter C1);- Text-receiving systems (sub-meter C2);- High performance cogeneration systems for production processes (subsidiary C3 );- Deep redevelopment envelope- non-receptive sector plants (underwater C4);- Deep redevelopment wrapping- Sector systems (subsidiary [...]

Aid for industrial research projects, experimental development and feasibility studies with Patto – Autonomous Province of Trento

What is the facilitative measure supports the research and development projects of companies, to be carried out after the date of submission of the application. Research and development projects are facilitated, also carried out in joint form with other subjects, attributable to the following activities:- Industrial Research;- Experimental development. Industrial research and experimental development activities must [...]

Aid for projects awarded the mark of excellence with Patto – Autonomous Province of Trento

What is the facilitative measure supports the research and development projects of companies, to be carried out on the territory of the province of Trento, also carried out in joint form with other subjects, an distinguished of the brand of excellence that attests to its quality, from no later than 6 months prior to the date of submission of the application, within the framework of […]

Tourism Notice Mirabilia Project – European Network of UNESCO Sites 2024

What is the Mirabilia Network Association organized together with the Bari Chambers of Commerce, Basilicata, Caserta, Catanzaro Crotone Vibo Valentia, Chieti-Pescara, Foggia, Genoa, Irpinia Sannio, Marche, Messina, Molise, Pavia, Padua, Pordenone-Udine , Riviere di Liguria, Sassari, South East Sicily, Treviso-Belluno, Umbria, Venezia Giulia and Verona, in collaboration with Ieg Spa, the XII edition of the International Tourism Stock Exchange [...]

Mirabilia Food&Drink Notice 2024 – VIII edition – Chamber of Commerce Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia

What is the Mirabilia Network Association, jointly organizes the Bari Chambers of Commerce, Basilicata, Caserta, Catanzaro Crotone Vibo Valentia, Chieti-Pescara, Foggia, Genoa, Irpinia Sannio, Marche, Messina, Molise, Pavia, Padua, Pordenone Udine, Riviere di Liguria, Sassari, South East Sicily, Treviso-Belluno, Umbria, Venezia Giulia and Verona in collaboration with Assocamerastero, the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad, and Ice, [...]

2024 call for the granting of contributions/vouchers for the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises on foreign markets - CCIA Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia

What is the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia, below - with the support of its special company PromocalariaCentro, through the strategic system initiative relating to the "Internationalization: Six" project financed with the increase in the Annual Law 20% Three years 2023-2025 and authorized by the Ministry of Companies and Made in [...]

Support fund for marginal municipalities: municipality of Moliterno

What is the notice published is governed by the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 30 September 2021, which provides for support for marginal municipalities. To those who turn, they are aimed at the companies of the Municipality of Moliterno operating in the trade, tourism, services and crafts sectors. What the announcement provides for contributions to the bottom [...]

Territorial Excellence announcement, year 2023, Zilli Award - Gran Sasso Chamber of Commerce

What is with the call for territorial excellence 2023 The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of the Gran Sasso d'Italia intends to assume an active role in promoting excellence, involving companies and contributing to the development of the local economic system. This supply chain involving companies and contributing to the development of the local economic system. To whom [...]