Aid for the introduction of researchers and research technicians into companies - Autonomous Province of Trento
What is the facilitative measure supports the introduction in highly qualified personnel companies, made available in detachment by a research body and dissemination of knowledge or a large detachment company that carries out research and development activities. The costs incurred are facilitated to make available in the detachment of staff [...]
Lombardy basketball bond for sustainable, innovative and competitive supply chains – Lombardy Region
What is the measure intends to facilitate and support access to forms of alternative credit by the Lombard supply chains aimed at carrying out supply chain projects in the following areas: - support for strengthening the networks and aggregations of companies; - Support for the adoption of sustainable production models attesting the issue by the minibond broadcasters [...]
Support fund for marginal municipalities: municipality of Moliterno
What is the notice published is governed by the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 30 September 2021, which provides for support for marginal municipalities. To those who turn, they are aimed at the companies of the Municipality of Moliterno operating in the trade, tourism, services and crafts sectors. What the announcement provides for contributions to the bottom [...]
Announcement for the creation of support courses aimed at matching between school and the world of work - Cuneo Chamber of Commerce
What is the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce intends to support the trade associations or bodies/service companies connected to them in the realization of accompanying courses of companies and second degree schools/ITS/ITS/ITS for professional training centers and realization of project work aimed at defining innovative solutions for specific needs of companies. [...]
Territorial Excellence announcement, year 2023, Zilli Award - Gran Sasso Chamber of Commerce
What is with the call for territorial excellence 2023 The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of the Gran Sasso d'Italia intends to assume an active role in promoting excellence, involving companies and contributing to the development of the local economic system. This supply chain involving companies and contributing to the development of the local economic system. To whom [...]
Announcement for support for Bergamo tourism promotion projects and initiatives 2024 – Bergamo Chamber of Commerce
What is the incentive supports initiatives/territorial and tourist promotion activities, carried out and to be carried out in different areas such as: cultural tourism, active tourism (paths and paths), food and wine and local traditions, inclusive and accessible tourism. To those who turn are addressed to legal entities that are made up in an associative form (associations, foundations, consortia and the like) and [...]
Aid for the internationalization of the provincial economic system - Autonomous Province of Trento
What is the facilitative measure supports the participations of companies in international fairs to be started after the date of submission of the application. The expenses incurred for participation in international fairs relating to:- lease of the stand;- installation of the stand;- stand management of the stand are facilitated. To those who turn the initiative is aimed at small and medium -sized enterprises, [...]
Aid for industrial research projects, experimental development and feasibility studies - Autonomous Province of Trento
What is the facilitative measure supports the research and development projects of companies, to be carried out after the date of submission of the application. Research and development projects are facilitated, also carried out in joint form with other subjects, attributable to the following activities:- Industrial Research;- Experimental development. Industrial research and experimental development activities must [...]
Subsidies for the establishment of a new cooperative – Autonomous Province of Bolzano
What is the service provides for the granting of a subsidy for the establishment of a new cooperative body, with registered office in the province of Bolzano which carries out the prevalent activity there. To those who are addressed cooperatives registered in the Provincial Register of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. What the subsidy provides, to the extent of 50% of the eligible costs, is [...]
Contributions to cooperatives for training and consultancy - Autonomous Province of Bolzano
What is the service provides for the granting of concessions pursuant to the regional law of 28 July 1988, n. 15 in favor of cooperatives aimed at consultancy and training initiatives. To those who are addressed cooperatives registered in the register of cooperative bodies of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. What prevails.
Contribution to cooperatives for the rent - Autonomous Province of Bolzano
What is the service provides for the granting of a contribution for the rent to social cooperatives and of particular types of labor production cooperatives, to the maximum extent of 50 percent of the relative fee and for the maximum duration of five years from the establishment of the cooperative. To those who are addressed cooperative registered in […]
Marginal Areas Fund – 2nd year – Municipality of Viggianello
What is the announcement foresees the support to the new economic activities that are settled in the municipality of Viggianello. To those who turn new companies by promoting female impact. What provides for an lost economic contribution.