Notice of film and audiovisual festivals and reviews in Calabria – 2024

What is the purposes of this notice is the support of the creativity of the territories and develop cultural productions. This intervention expresses the desire to support the artistic-cultural offer and creativity through cultural events, in particular film and audiovisual festivals, capable of characterizing regionalisms by enhancing identity, landscape, cultural and naturalistic heritage, in implementation of the image plan [... ]

Second call for technological development of businesses – Commerce District, northernmost point of the Mediterranean

What is the municipality of Monfalcone, the leading municipality of the most northern point of the Mediterranean point of commerce, prepares the announcement aimed at the technological development of companies, in particular encourages the purchase and activation of systems and technological systems necessary for digitization of the production processes, to the customization of the products provided and the services provided and it [...]

Cultural Heritage Active Innovation For Next-Gen Sustainable Society (CHANGES) – Southern Italy – Extended Partnership PNRR M4C2

What is a public notice for the presentation of project proposals for research activities carried out by research bodies and companies reserved for the South area as part of the Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Next-Gen Sustainable Society (Changes) project, financed in the ' Scope of the national recovery and resilience plan, mission 4 "Education and research" - Component 2 "From Research [...]

Measures to compensate school transport companies for losses in turnover resulting from the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency - Year 2021

What is measuring to refresh the companies operating school transport services of the turnover losses deriving from the Epidemiological emergency Covid-19. To whom the recipients are addressed are the companies operating school transport services. What provides measures to refresh the companies operating school transport services for turnover losses deriving from the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency. 

Business Incubator Notice 2024 – Como-Lecco Chamber of Commerce

What is the initiative of the Como-Lecco Chamber of Commerce in support of the creation and development of innovative entrepreneurial initiatives through incubation at Innovation Hub Como-Como-Como Nex T SP a in Lomazzo, certified incubator. To those who add the initiative to be addressed to:- aspiring entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs;- micro-enterprises or SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) registered and active in the register [...]

XXI Call for the collection of joint projects on the basis of the Cooperation Agreement on industrial, scientific and technological research and development between Italy and Israel – 2024

What is a call for the financing of joint projects of the two -year duration between Italian companies and Israeli companies. To those who turn the announcement is aimed at all companies that deal with science and innovation. What the incentive provides for the provision of a loan of up to a maximum of € 200,000 per company. 

Piedmont Region – Infra+ Call

What is in order to encourage the strengthening and qualification of the offer of research services and technology transfer to companies, the announcement supports investments in workshops and equipment - open to multiple users in a transparent and non -discriminatory way, functional to the development of Research activities forgery of relevant applications in industry and of interest [...]

Piedmont Region - Support for local periodic information printing 2024

What is the objective is to encourage the development of the system of editorial companies of local information (periodic printing and online newspapers), as required by regional law 18/2008, through: a) support for expenses for the Purchase of the paper for the printing of local periodicals (art. 8, paragraph 1, letter b); b) support for the expenses for the purchase of subscriptions [...]

Cascading Call – National Sustainable Mobility Center Project – Spoke3 – Second Call

What is a public call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at the granting of funding for activities consistent with the objectives of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility, to be worth on the resources of the national plan resumption and resilience (PNRR) Mission 4, "Education and Research " - Component 2," From research to company " - investment line 1.4" Centers [...]

Extended partnerships – MUR

What is a public notice for the presentation of project proposals for research activities carried out by companies as part of the "Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities Under a Changing Climate (Return) project," Project Code PE00000005, CUP B83C22004820002, financed in ' Scope of the national recovery and resilience plan, Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From research to company" - [...]

Piedmont Region – Capital consolidation and growth of innovative startups 2024

What is the announcement supports the realization of investment and business development programs by innovative startups that are in a phase of consolidation or growth. The announcement intends to support, therefore, the consolidation of the innovative startup which, through a property strengthening operation, has the objective to create a development project of its activity. The […]