Cascading call - Selection of project proposals aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 - Pervasive and photonic network technologies and infrastructures - Call code IEIIT-RESTART-SP1-02

What is a public call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at the granting of loans for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 "Pervasive and Photonic Network Technologies and Infrastructures" of the "Research and Innovation on Future Telecommunications Systems and Networks, to to, to Make Italy More Smart (Restart) ”to be worth on the resources of the national recovery plan and [...]

Cascading call - Selection of project proposals aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 - Pervasive and photonic network technologies and infrastructures - Call code IEIIT-RESTART-SP1-04

What is a public call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at the granting of funding for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 "Pervasive and Photonic Network Technologies and Infrastructures" of the "Research and Innovation on future Telecommunications Systems and Networks, to Make initiative Italy More Smart (Restart) "to be worth on the resources of the national recovery plan and [...]

Cascading call - Selection of project proposals aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 - Pervasive and photonic network technologies and infrastructures - Call code: IEIIT-RESTART-SP1-03.

What is a public call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at the granting of loans for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 "Pervasive and Photonic Network Technologies and Infrastructures" of the "Research and Innovation on Future Telecommunications Systems and Networks, to to, to Make Italy More Smart (Restart) ”to be worth on the resources of the national recovery plan and [...]

Sustainable business: energy line investments 2024 – Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi

What is the line of intervention in support of the investments of companies oriented to greater sustainability and aimed at energy efficiency. Those who turn can participate small and medium -sized enterprises that have the headquarters subject to the intervention, registered and active in the Company Register in the territorial section of the Milan Chamber of Commerce Monza Brianza Lodi. What does it include [...]

DUC Desenzano Del Garda Announcement “Ancient historic centres, commercial hearts of Rivoltella and Desenzano del Garda” - 2022-24 Edition

What this measure is aimed at promoting and consolidating the resumption of local economies in the districts of Lombard trade, supporting both the direct investments of economic operators and the qualification interventions of the urban context and the territory carried out by local authorities; Particularly reward the design excellence, or the most innovative districts [...]

Cascading call – Vitality Spoke Ecosystem 10 Bio Based and Bio Compatible Materials and Devices – University of Perugia

What is the cascade ban for spoke n. 10 As part of the "Vitality - innovation, digitization and sustainability ecosystem for the economy widespread in Central Italy", "digital, industry, aerospace" area of ​​the National Research Plan (PNR), Vitality Program (ECS00000041) CUP J97G2200170005. The announcement supports industrial research and experimental development projects through the disbursement of appropriate [...]

Contributions to goods road transport companies for investments

What is the measure intends to provide incentive to the self -tear of Italian goods companies for the renewal of the vehicular park, towards the purchase of less polluting vehicles, equipped with devices that guarantee greater safety and intended for intermodal transport. To those who are aimed at all the trucking companies of Italian goods regularly registered in the register [...]

Cascading call – Ecosystem Vitality Spoke 9 Nanostructured Materials and Devices – University of Perugia

What is the cascade ban for spoke n. 9 As part of the "Vitality - innovation, digitization and sustainability ecosystem for the economy widespread in Central Italy", "digital, industry, aerospace" area of ​​the National Research Plan (PNR), Vitality Program (ECS00000041) CUP J97G22000170005. The announcement supports industrial research and experimental development projects through the disbursement of appropriate [...]

Support fund for marginal municipalities 2023 – Municipality of Mirabella Eclano

What is the incentive, to be worth on the bottom for marginal municipalities, provides for a facilitative measure for the support of companies in depressed areas at risk of depopulation. To those who turn the incentive is aimed at micro, small and medium -sized enterprises of the Municipality of Mirabella Eclano. What the facility provides for a non -refundable contribution for the start [...]