Enhancement of the supply chain of natural textile fibers and tanning

What is the interministerial decree identifies the methods of implementing the intervention aimed at promoting and supporting the investments, research and innovation of the production processes in the primary supply chain of transformation of natural textile fibers, of those from recycling processes and those of tanning of the skin, with particular attention to the certification of their [...]

Support for the self -production of energy from renewable sources

What is the announcement offers an opportunity for SMEs (small and medium -sized Italian enterprises) to invest in photovoltaic systems and renewable energy systems in order to reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources. To those who turn small and medium -sized enterprises (SMEs) who intend to invest in systems for the self -production of electricity from renewable sources. [...]

Fund for sustainable growth for the South

What is the announcement regulates the methods of granting and disbursement of the facilities provided by the Fund for sustainable growth, aimed at supporting industrial research and experimental development projects considered strategic for the production system. The projects must be in line with the technological sectors covered by the Step regulation. To those who turn companies of […]

Tourism call - Action 1.3.8 Vesr Veneto

What is the announcement is dedicated to the support of investments in the regional tourism-receptive sector. The announcement aims to promote the innovation and regeneration of companies through technological development projects, digital and ecological transition. The interventions, which range from cybersecurity to home automation to the use of alternative energies. To those who turn the micro, small […] are allowed

Development of critical technologies in partnership projects between SMEs and great businesses

What is the measure intends to support the development of "strategic technologies" to encourage large strategic investments of partnerships set up between large and medium -sized enterprises in the innovation areas provided by the European platform Step: that is, digital technologies, Deep Tech and Biotechnology. To those who turn can apply to participate in the measure, partnerships of companies [...]

Ri.circo.lo. Step - Circular resources in Lombardy

What is the measure "Ri.circo.lo. Step - Circular resources in Lombardy "intends to promote the development or manufacture of critical technologies, as defined by the EU Reg. 2024/795, by small, medium and large Lombard companies, in single or aggregate form, to achieve the reduction of strategic dependencies on critical raw materials and a better [...]

Sustainable investments 4.0

What is the Call for Sustainable Investments 4.0 provides for the granting and disbursement of concessions in favor of investment programs proposed by SMEs compliant with the current principles of environmental protection and with a high technological content, consistent with the transition 4.0 plan, with priority for those able to offer a particular contribution to the sustainability objectives [...]

Tourism and hospitality concessions for the hotel and extra-hotel sector

calls and opportunities

What is the notice aims to enhance the Sicilian tourist offer, to the rise in the qualitative standards of the tourist offer, the expansion and improvement of services, also aimed at the decreasing of the offer and the reuse of abandoned real estate, With particular reference to properties with historical cultural value. To those who turn companies of all the dimensions regularly established and registered [...]

Italy Social Economy

calls and opportunities

What is Italy Social Economy is the incentive of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy aimed at companies that carry out activities of social utility and of general interest. Management is entrusted to Invitalia. To those who turn social enterprises, set up in any form, registered in the appropriate section of the register of social cooperative companies and them [...]

Mini development contracts

What is the new Mimit tool to support the medium -sized production investments, between 5 and 20 million euros, made by small, medium or large companies and linked to the critical technologies counted in the new EU Step Regulation. To those who turn companies of all dimensions: with at least 2 approved and deposited budgets [...]

Public notice for the granting of contributions to micro, small and medium -sized enterprises for technical assistance and accompaniment services in the form of vouchers and for UNI/PDR 125: 2022 gender certification services

calls and opportunities

What Unioncamere is, in collaboration with the Department for Equal Opportunities, promotes the Certification Project of gender equality for Italian small and medium -sized enterprises, holding the role of actuator, for the realization of the objectives of the intervention of the PNRR M5C1 -I1.3 "gender equality certification system". The announcement makes help available [...]