Public notice for the selection of industrial research and/or experimental development projects in the biomedical sector - Fund for biomedical industrial research and development

What is it? The purpose of the notice is co-financing, in the form of a non-repayable contribution, in favor of industrial research and/or experimental development projects in the life sciences sector, with specific reference to projects which provide for the use to services and benefits provided by institutions operating in the healthcare system or research applied to [...]

Municipality of Pazzano – Marginal mutual fund for new commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities

What is it Granting of contributions for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities, pursuant to art. 2 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 30 September 2021 "Method of distribution, terms, methods of access and reporting of contributions from the Marginal Municipalities Fund, in order to carry out support interventions for populations residing in disadvantaged municipalities, for each of the years [...]

SME digitalization voucher 2024 – Piedmont

What is it Notice for SMEs to develop digitalisation interventions. Who is it for? SMEs (European definition) that have their registered office and/or local operational unit where the interventions will be carried out in Piedmont may be eligible for the benefits referred to in this Notice. What does it involve? The envisaged benefit will consist of a non-repayable contribution […]

Lazio Region – Expression of interest for participation in the international event “Farnborough International Air Show” – Great Britain from 22 to 26 July 2024

What is it? The Lazio Region selects 16 companies to participate in the FIA ​​2024 (London 22-26 July 2024). Who is it aimed at Startups and SMEs from Lazio interested in taking part, within the regional stand, in the Farnborough International Airshow – FIA 2024. What does it involve? The participation of the 16 selected companies will be supported with PR funds […]

Municipality of Balmuccia - Support for economic, artisanal and commercial activities for each of the years from 2020 to 2022

What is it Notice for the provision of non-repayable contributions to support trade and craftsmanship provided by the National Fund for support of economic, craftsmanship and commercial activities. Who is it aimed at Small and micro businesses in the commercial and artisanal sector based in the Municipality of Balmuccia are eligible to benefit from the contribution. What […]

Enterprise dowry announcement - targeted placement of the Province of Como - Fund 2021

What is DOTE IMPRESA Fund 2021 - FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE PROVINCIAL PLAN FOR DISABLED PEOPLE Who is it aimed at? Private companies of any size and sector of activity, with registered and/or operational headquarters and/or at least one production unit and/or a branch in the Lombardy Region. By private enterprise we mean […]

Notice for the financing of training projects for technological innovation, digital and ecological transition activities - Regional Program FSE+ 2021-2027 Tuscany

What is it The public notice is aimed at presenting training projects aimed at companies to update and increase the skills of workers and employers in the field of technological innovation, digital and ecological transition. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at all companies that have their registered office or local unit [...]

Announcement for the granting of contributions to companies aimed at the purchase and activation of technological systems and systems necessary for the digitalisation of production processes

What is it In implementation of the provisions of article 13, paragraph 3, of regional law n. 3/2021, the Municipality of San Vito al Tagliamento, as lead body of the "Terre Tagliamento" trade district including the Municipalities of San Vito al Tagliamento, Casarsa della Delizia, Cordovado, Morsano al Tagliamento, San Giorgio della Richinvelda, San Martino at […]

Contribution to support newspaper and periodical publishing companies - Information and Publishing Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

What is it With the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 10 August 2023, issued in concert with the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy and the Minister of Economy and Finance, the resources of the Extraordinary Fund for Publishing for the year 2023 have been distributed; in […]

Notice for Tourism Vouchers – Year 2024 – Bari Chamber of Commerce

What is it? The Bari Chamber of Commerce, in order to play an active role in promoting tourism and contributing to the development of the local economic system, has announced the Tourism Voucher Announcement - Year 2024 with the aim of: a) supporting businesses in the sector tourism in the implementation of innovative actions to strengthen operational capacity and […]