Training for business development in the context of the double transition (digital and ecological) – Year 2024 – Varese Chamber of Commerce

What is it? The Chamber of Commerce supports, with non-repayable contributions, the participation of businesses in the Varese area in training courses aimed at the use of digital technologies and the introduction and management of sustainable and energy solutions. Who is it aimed at? Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with headquarters and/or local units in the Varese area. Recipients of […]

PR FESR Liguria 2021-2027 – Action 1.3.3 – Call for access to the fund to support investment and development programs for SME activities carried out in areas of non-complex industrial crisis in Liguria

What is it The announcement aims to contribute to the strategy of industrial relaunch and redevelopment of the production system in areas of non-complex industrial crisis, identified with Council resolution no. 961/2016 and recognized with the MISE Directorial Decree of 12/19/2016. Who is it aimed at? The call is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses that implement programs […]

Autonomous Province of Trento – Contributions for initiatives of provincial interest

What is it? The Province grants contributions on expenses incurred for the realization of initiatives and events on topics that are of particular relevance for Trentino. Who is it aimed at? The following can benefit from the financial contribution for initiatives of provincial importance: a) public and private bodies; b) companies registered in the Business Register. What does it involve Granting a contribution for […]

Liguria Region - Methods and criteria for granting collective defense bodies the contribution for the stipulation of voluntary policies (art. 28 of regional law 20/2023)

What is it Financial support for policies in the agricultural field, to integrate similar national aid, in compliance with the aid limits and constraints established by community regulations on state aid. Who is it addressed to? Collective defense organizations can apply for contributions. What it involves Provision of a contribution. 

Selection of project proposals, aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with Spoke 9 - "energy-sustainable advanced materials" of the extended partnership "NEST - Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition"

What is it Public tender for the selection of project proposals, aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with Spoke 9 - "energy-sustainable advanced materials" of the NEST extended partnership - drawing on the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) mission 4, “education and research” – component 2, “from research to business” – line of […]

Internal areas support fund for 2022 - Municipality of Carenno

What is it Fund to support artisanal and commercial economic activities in internal areas. Who is it aimed at? Economic, artisanal and commercial activities operating in the municipal area. What it involves Disbursement of a variable non-repayable contribution. 

PR FESR Liguria 2021-2027 – Call for interventions to support the development and production of audiovisual projects – Year 2024

What is it? The call aims to encourage the growth of audiovisual production companies by supporting the development and production of audiovisual projects. Who is it aimed at? The call is aimed at SMEs carrying out cinematographic and audiovisual production activities. What it provides The announcement provides for the granting of non-repayable contributions for the […]

Public notice Lazio Region - Presentation of projects for the implementation of additional training interventions on safety and health in the workplace - implementation of the INAIL framework agreement and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces

What is it The purpose of this public notice is, therefore, to promote the implementation of training projects for workers aimed at updating and qualifying on health and safety issues in the workplace, in order to promote awareness about the complexity of the "safety" topic and the importance of correct behavior to prevent [...]

PR FESR Liguria 2021–2027 – Announcement “Interventions to support the attraction of audiovisual productions” implementing Action 1.3.4. – Year 2024

What is it? The call aims to attract independent national and international audiovisual production companies for the production of audiovisual works in the Liguria area. Who is it aimed at: Italian, European or non-European audiovisual, cinematographic and television production companies that produce audiovisual works in the Ligurian territory can participate. What does it include The relief is granted under […]

Public notice for the presentation of intervention proposals for the creation and strengthening of innovation ecosystems – Construction of territorial research and development leaders – M4 C2 – Invest. 1.5. PNRR NextGenerationEU

What is it Public call for the selection of project proposals, to be financed within the Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement (TECH4YOU) research program, drawing on the resources of the national recovery and resilience plan (PNRR) mission 4 , “education and research” – component 2, “from research to business” investment 1.5, “creation and strengthening of […]

Public notice Lazio Region – Implementation of consultancy, training and information interventions in companies on health and safety in the workplace – 2024

What is it Interventions that the Lazio Region promotes for the purposes of updating and qualifying workers on health and safety issues in the workplace with the aim of promoting awareness of the complexity of the "safety" theme and the importance of correct behavior to prevent risks present in the work environment. Who is Action aimed at […]