Intervention SRD03 Investments in agricultural companies for diversification into non-agricultural activities - Action e) Tourist-recreational activities linked to rural traditions and the valorisation of natural and landscape resources - OLEOTOURISM

What is it The intervention has the specific objective of improving market orientation and increasing the competitiveness of the multifunctional agricultural company; in particular, it is aimed at encouraging investments in corporate diversification activities that favor economic growth combined with sustainable development in rural areas, contributing to improving territorial balance, both in economic terms and […]

Participation in the WTM LONDON 2024 fair – Autonomous Region of Sardinia

What is a call to facilitate the participation of companies in promotion in international markets. To whom companies in the tourism sector is aimed at the operational headquarters in Sardinia. What provides for contributions in the form of subsidized services for participation in fairs and promotional events. 

Autonomous Region of Sardinia – Participation in the IGTM fair in Lisbon 2024

What is a call to facilitate the participation of companies in promotion in international markets. To those who turn the announcement is aimed at companies in the tourism sector with operational headquarters in Sardinia. What provides for contributions in the form of subsidized services for participation in the exhibition event. 

Cascade call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with the National Center HPC – Big Data and Quantum ICSC SPOKE 7 CNR

What is a cascade call for the selection of design proposals, aimed at the granting of funding for activities consistent with the National Center HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing, Spoke 7 - Materials & Molecular Sciences (hereinafter also "call"), for The total amount of € 3,200,000.00, euros to be assigned according to the methods established by the same [...]

TECH4YOU project cascade call (IV Call) – Spoke 6 Unical – PNRR M4C2 – Intervention line 1.5

What is within the "Tech4you" PNRR program, the announcement intends to support research and development projects carried out by companies and subjects outside the ecosystem through the provision of specific funding to encourage the creation of innovative products, processes or services in the technological areas of development of the research activities of the program itself. To whom the announcement is addressed [...]

Announcement of interest rate contributions for the year 2024 - Umbria Chamber of Commerce

What is a call for contributions to support micro and small businesses in facing financial difficulties, facilitating their access to credit and counteracting the current restriction of the credit offer by financial intermediaries towards companies. To those who turn the announcement is aimed at micro and small businesses having registered office/unit in Umbria. What […]

PR FESR Liguria 2021–2027 – Action 1.3.3. – Call for access to the fund to support investment and development programs for the activities of SMEs carried out in the complex industrial crisis areas of Savona

What is it The announcement aims to contribute to the strategy of industrial relaunch and redevelopment of the production system of the complex industrial crisis area of ​​the Savona area. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at SMEs making investments in the industrial crisis area of ​​the Savona area. What it provides The benefit is granted in the form of a loan […]