Irpinia Sannio Chamber of Commerce notice - Granting of vouchers for training internships to MSMEs
What is it Announcement from the Irpinia Sannio Chamber of Commerce for the granting of non-repayable contributions for the activation of training internships. Who is it aimed at? The announcement is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with operational headquarters in the province of Avellino or Benevento. What it involves A maximum contribution of 3,000.00 euros for a […]
Selection of industrial research and experimental development projects by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, to be financed within the Research Program of the National Biodiversity Center NBFC-PNRR
What is it Selection of industrial research and experimental development projects in the field of innovative systems for the monitoring, preservation, enhancement and restoration of biodiversity. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises individually or in partnership with registered office in Italy. What does it provide Provision of benefits for […]
Terre di Lomellina Widespread Trade District – Announcement for the granting of non-repayable contributions to micro, small and medium enterprises
What is it The announcement for the granting of contributions in favor of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and for aspiring entrepreneurs intends to consolidate and strengthen the economic development of businesses in the trade, tourism, artisan and service sectors that are located in the territory and which, in complementary way, contribute to the expansion of the offer of available services and to the improvement […]
Participation in the IBTM fair in Barcelona 2024 – Autonomous Region of Sardinia
What is it Notice to facilitate the participation of companies in promotion in international markets. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at companies in the tourism sector with operational headquarters in Sardinia. What it involves Contributions in the form of subsidized services for participation in the fair.
Marriage Exchange in Italy 2024 – CCIAA Tuscany North West
What is it? Selection notice for participation in the “Marriage Exchange in Italy 2024” event through the collective of the Chamber of Commerce. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at companies dedicated to the wedding sector in the provinces of Lucca, Massa Carrara and Pisa. What does it involve? The cost of the event, equal to €1,500 per [...]
Contributions to organizers of trade fair events - Autonomous Province of Trento - Year 2024
What is it? It is a contribution granted to organizers of trade fairs to be held in the province of Trento, which cannot be cumulated with other aid granted by the Autonomous Province of Trento for the same event. Who is it addressed to Bodies and individuals, established in the form of a company or association and having their registered office or operational headquarters in […]
Internal Areas Fund - Municipality of Lei - Annual 2022 - Line of intervention B
What is it? With the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 24 September 2020, published in the Official Journal no. 302 of 4.12.2020, funds to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities were assigned to the Municipality of Lei, which for the year 2021 amount to a total of €12,147.00. With City Council Resolution no. 23 of 03.18.2024 […]
Internal Areas Fund - Municipality of Lei - Annual 2022 - Line of intervention A
What is it? With the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 24 September 2020, published in the Official Journal no. 302 of 4.12.2020, funds to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities were assigned to the Municipality of Lei, which for the 2022 annual payments amount to a total of €12,147.00. With City Council Resolution no. 23 of 18.03.2024, the Administration [...]
First semester 2024 – Announcement for grants for the organization of promotional initiatives – Chamber of Commerce Nuoro
What is it As part of its institutional initiatives aimed at promoting the development of businesses, through the publication of this Notice, the Chamber of Commerce of Nuoro intends to grant contributions for the organization of promotional initiatives that promote the territory, culture and businesses of the district of the Chamber of Commerce of Nuoro. Who is it aimed at? They are allowed to participate […]
Year 2023 – Canal del Ferro and Val Canale mountain communities – Granting of aid to commercial businesses and holders of authorizations to operate fuel distribution systems
What is it Notice for the granting of aid to commercial companies and holders of authorizations to operate fuel distribution systems. Who is it aimed at? The announcement is aimed at commercial businesses in the mountain area. What it involves Granting a contribution to businesses aimed at reducing the increased costs due to location disadvantages.
Intervention SRD03 Investments in agricultural companies for diversification into non-agricultural activities - Action e) Tourist-recreational activities linked to rural traditions and the valorisation of natural and landscape resources - WINE TOURISM
What is it The intervention has the specific objective of improving market orientation and increasing the competitiveness of the multifunctional agricultural company; in particular, it is aimed at encouraging investments in corporate diversification activities that favor economic growth combined with sustainable development in rural areas, contributing to improving territorial balance, both in economic terms and […]
Notice of digital transition for Lombardy companies ERDF - Unioncamere Lombardia
What is the announcement intends to support the acceleration of the digital transformation process of Lombard companies, through the investment on new technologies as a productivity factor and, therefore, of development and relaunch of the international competitiveness of the economic system in all sectors, taking on A crucial role for business resilience. To whom the announcement is addressed yes […]