Municipality of Pietrastornina – Contributions for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities

What is the Call for the granting of contributions, under the Support Fund for marginal municipalities for the years 2021-2023, to promote the creation of new economic activities in the municipal territory, through economic support interventions. Who is it aimed at? It is aimed at commercial and artisanal businesses that want to start their own business through an operational unit […]

Non-repayable contributions for economic, commercial and artisanal activities - Annual 2022 - Municipality of Gargnano

What is it? The tender, in implementation of the "Fund to support the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the commercial and artisan economic system of the Municipality of Gargnano. Who is it aimed at? Small and micro businesses can access the tender. What does it involve The provision of a contribution for only one of the following […]

House of Emerging Technologies Project – Notice for participation in the COBO Accelerator program – Municipality of Bologna

What is it As part of the “House of Emerging Technologies – Municipality of Bologna” project (hereinafter “CTE COBO”), with the aim of promoting the achievement of high TRL levels by technological startups, the Municipality and the Metropolitan city of Bologna together with important local players intend to create 3 highly competitive acceleration programs [...]

Territorial excellence Year 2024 – Chamber of Commerce Gran Sasso d'Italia

What is the Gran Sasso d'Italia Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, in light of law no. 580/1993, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 219/2016, which attributed to the chamber of commerce bodies functions relating to the valorisation of cultural heritage as well as the development and promotion of tourism, intends to take an active role in the promotion of this […]

Public notice Media and digital literacy of minors – MIMIT

What is it? The intervention, promoted by MIMIT, has the strategic objective of selecting, financing and promoting digital and media literacy projects, of a communicative and educational nature, for minors, including those of an innovative nature, focused on at least one of the following lines of intervention: - prevention of the phenomenon of cyberbullying or any other form of violence, harassment, blackmail [...]

Cascade call Spoke 1 – Pervasive and photonic network technologies and infrastructures

What is it Public call for the selection of project proposals, aimed at granting funding for activities consistent with those of Spoke 1 “Pervasive and photonic network technologies and infrastructures” of the initiative “research and innovation on future telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart (restart)” drawing on the resources of the National Recovery Plan and […]

Development and enhancement of natural shopping centers – PR MARCHE FESR 2021/2027 – Axis 1 – OS 1.3 – Action 1.3.3 – Intervention

What is it The intervention aims to revitalize the economic competitiveness of historic and urban centers through specific actions in the sectors of commerce and artistic and quality craftsmanship considered of fundamental importance for local development and for the promotion of the territory. The Natural Shopping Centers represent an organizational model based on "building a system", therefore through the aggregation [...]

Annual 2022 – Municipality of Cerchiara di Calabria – Public tender for the assignment of the resources provided by the Support Fund for marginal municipalities

What is it The announcement, in implementation of the Support Fund for marginal municipalities, is aimed at supporting the economic system of the Municipality of Cerchiara di Calabria. Who is it aimed at? The announcement is aimed at commercial and artisanal businesses in the municipal area. What does the assignment of non-repayable contributions for the 2022 year involve. 

Contributions to businesses for the reuse and redevelopment of properties in a state of abandonment or underuse - Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region

What is it Notice for contributions to companies for redevelopment and reuse of properties in a state of abandonment or underuse. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at companies and private individuals other than natural persons. What it involves: Granting of contributions for the implementation of building interventions (De Minimis Regime)