PCTO announcement and skills certification Year 2024 Provinces of Alto Piedmont
What is it? The call aims to incentivize and support companies that activate transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) courses during the year 2024 by hosting secondary school students. A specific reward is provided for the finalized experiences to the certification of skills according to the scheme by the chamber system for the tourism, mechatronics, textile-clothing-fashion, agricultural sectors [...]
PR FESR Lazio 2021-2027 – Expression of interest for participation in the Turin International Book Fair 2024
What is it? The Lazio Region, through the implementing body Lazio Innova, and the Rome Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Special Development and Territory Agency, pending the signing of the Agreement for joint participation in trade fairs, to aim of supporting the regional economic fabric, they select 8 companies from Lazio interested in […]
2022 – Municipality of Pescasseroli – Public tender for the assignment of the resources provided by the Support Fund for Marginal Municipalities
What is it The Municipality of Pescasseroli (AQ) is one of the marginal municipalities that has received an allocation of financial resources from the Support Fund for Marginal Municipalities. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities with operational units located in the municipal area or undertaking new economic activities and […]
Call for Cascade Spoke 6 – PNRR MNESYS
What is it? The MNESYS project promotes and supports fundamental research activities in the field of "neuroscience", which are original, medium-large in size and have a low level of technological maturity (TRL). Who is it addressed to? Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and large enterprises external to the MNESYS Project can request the benefits referred to in this Notice, […]
Calabria Region – Participation in the Parma Camper Show 2024
What is it Participation in the Salone del Camper 2024 event for the promotion of the services and products offered by local businesses. Who is it aimed at Local businesses that intend to present and promote their products and services. What does the granting of aid entail.
Non-repayable contributions for economic, commercial and artisanal activities - 2021 annuity - Municipality of San Donato Val di Comino
What is it? The tender, in implementation of the "Fund to support the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the economic system of the Municipality of San Donato Val di Comino. Who is it addressed to? The beneficiaries of this Notice are small and micro businesses that carry out artisanal or commercial activities through a […]
Call for System Actions in the commercial establishments of the Lake & Hills Commercial District - District in the nature and history of the upper Sebino
What is it? This measure is aimed at:• Promoting and consolidating the recovery of local economies in the Lombardy Commercial Districts, supporting both the direct investments of economic operators and the qualification interventions of the urban context and the territory carried out by local authorities; • Particularly reward design excellence, i.e. the most innovative Districts […]
Cascata Innovation Open Call – Spoke 4 – PNRR SERICS
What is it Public notice for the presentation of project proposals for the implementation of industrial research and experimental development activities intended for subjects external to the SERICS Extended Partnership (PE00000014) – Spoke 4 “Operating Systems and Virtualization Security” (University of Genoa) admitted to financing with DD n. 1556 of 11 October 2022, registered by […]
Call for the granting of extraordinary contributions to companies in the provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna affected by the flood events of May 2023
What is it? The Ferrara and Ravenna Chamber of Commerce continues its initiatives to support businesses in the areas affected by the floods for which a state of emergency has been declared (resolutions of the Council of Ministers of 4 May 2023 and 23 May 2023) committed in a complex phase of recovering their competitiveness [...]
Granting of contributions for the start-up of commercial and artisanal economic activities - Municipality of Fragneto L'Abate - Annual 2022
What is the Notice for the granting of contributions from the Marginal Municipalities Fund. The establishment of the fund was arranged in order to promote social cohesion and economic development in the Municipalities particularly affected by the phenomenon of depopulation and for which there are significant lacks of attractiveness due to the reduced offer of material services [...]
Municipality of Lenta - Contributions from the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities for the years 2020 to 2022
What is it Public notice for the granting of contributions, under the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities for the years from 2020 to 2022 (DPCM 24 September 2020) – FSC 2014-2020. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at businesses and micro-enterprises in the municipality of Lenta. What does a contribution […]
Non-repayable contributions for economic, commercial and artisanal activities - Annual 2022 - Municipality of Cesarò
What is it? The tender, in implementation of the "Fund to support the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the economic system of the Municipality of Cesarò. Who is it aimed at Small and micro businesses that carry out commercial or artisanal economic activities through an operational unit located in the territory of the Municipality of Cesarò or […]