Social Innovation Award

What is with the initiative, the CDP Foundation aims to enhance innovative social initiatives, capable of generating a significant impact in the context in which they are applied and for the beneficiaries to which they are addressed. More in detail, it aims to select already tested ideas and solutions, even on a small scale, whose feasibility has been verified [...]

Adaptation interventions, re-functionalization and renovation of public buildings to be used for social services and partner welfare intended for the elderly and people with limited autonomy and their families in order to facilitate the quality of life of people in conditions of fragility, favoring the processes of life-work conciliation

What is with this measure the Department of Family and Social Policies of the Sicilian Region adaptation, re-functionalization and renovation of public buildings (including the supply of equipment and furnishings also in view of technological and digital innovation) for the provision of social and partner services intended for the elderly, people with limited autonomy and [...]

Alinea 3

What is the measure provides for support in favor of third sector entities or analogous foreign bodies that operate directly against subjects worthy of social solidarity or in favor of third sector entities, similar foreign bodies or public bodies operating in the context of social and social and health care, of the protection of civil rights, [...]

Sports facility FSE Sicily 2021-2027

What is the local authorities identified (municipalities, unions of municipalities, free consortia of municipalities and metropolitan cities of Sicily) will be able to contribute to the assignment of funding to build new sports facilities or to regenerate, complete or adapt existing structures, also for the purposes of their approval. The goal is to improve, even on a qualitative level, the availability of spaces for [...]

Fund for support for industrial transition 2025

What is the measure, active from 5 February 2025 to 8 April 2025 provides 400 million euros to encourage the energy efficiency and the ecological transition of companies. A share equal to 50% (fifty percent) of the resources is reserved for energetic companies. A share equal to 40% of the resources annually intended for […]

Call "aloud"

What is the center for the book and reading has published the new edition of the "aloud" announcement, to support projects that promote education and habit of expressive reading "aloud" through the development and experimentation of initiatives and programs. To those who addly, foundations, cultural associations and others […] may apply

Contributions in support of film and audiovisual productions FSC 2021-2027 Sicily

What is the measure aims to support the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works, in order to strengthen and qualify local businesses, attract national and international production homes, to encourage the professional growth of regional operators in the sector and spread the knowledge of the historical, artistic, cultural and landscape-environmental contexts of the island, also for the purposes of [...]

Co -financing initiatives with children

What is the announcement intends to pursue two main objectives: on the one hand, attracting additional resources consistent with the purposes of the fund; On the other hand, to encourage a positive comparison with the experiences of other organizations, mutually enriching knowledge, practices and experiences on issues related to child educational poverty. To those who add projects proposed directly from […]

Voucher for the digital transition of the PMI FESR 2021-2027 Calabria

What is the measure represents an unprecedented opportunity for Calabrian SMEs who wish to modernize their business processes through the implementation of innovative digital solutions. This financial instrument is part of a broader context of digital transformation of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, responding to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. To whom the program is addressed is […]

Support for the development of cultural and creative enterprises

What is the measure intends to encourage growth and support companies operating in the field of cultural activities, entertainment and visual arts in general, cinema, music, publishing, fashion, design and cultural entertainment activities that play a fundamental socio-economic role in Campania and represent an important territorial attraction factor. [...]

Strategic technologies - Action 1.6.1. Development of critical technologies in partnership projects between SMEs and great businesses

What is the measure intends to support the investments of complex experimental development projects possibly combined with industrial research (investments eligible only if investments in industrial research are intrinsically and directly related to the investments of experimental development and are strictly necessary for development) created in collaboration between large companies and [...]