CTE COBO project – Public notice for participation in the COBO Open Innovation program – First edition
What is it? With this public notice, the Metropolitan City of Bologna intends to select, through a public tender procedure, three small and medium-sized enterprises that can participate in the "COBO Open Innovation" program. The program offers the opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to access cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions developed by startups, spin-offs and innovative SMEs. […]
Public notice addressed to entities that organize public events of great tourist interest - Autonomous Region of Sardinia
What is this Notice is aimed at granting a non-repayable contribution for the creation of public demonstrations or events to be held in Sardinia with the aim of increasing the development of tourism in the Region. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at public and private entities indicated by the LR […]
Contributions to micro and small businesses in Brescia for the reduction of energy consumption, environmental impact and waste - AGEF 2405
What is it? The Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Brescia allocates a fund of EURO 250,000 in favor of micro and small businesses in Brescia operating in the economic sectors of trade, tourism, services, crafts and agriculture, with the aim of encouraging and promoting sensitivity to environmental issues and the green economy. To those who […]
Beekeeping Sector Announcement 2024 – Chamber of Commerce of Mantua
What is it Measure to support Mantua's MSMEs that invest in activities aimed at encouraging the growth and qualitative and quantitative development of beekeeping in the area. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at MSMEs in Mantua carrying out their activities classified with ATECO code 1.49.3 – 1.49.30. What does the Notice foresee the assignment of […]
Training and Work Notice 2024 – Basilicata Chamber of Commerce
What is it? The 2024 Training and Work Announcement of the Basilicata Chamber of Commerce provides for the financing, in the form of vouchers, of training actions for company staff (including the owner of the company) and the promotion of PCTOs (formerly school-work alternation ). Who is it addressed to? The call is aimed at MSMEs with operational headquarters in […]
General Plan for Repair and/or reconstruction of buildings and real estate units damaged or destroyed by the seismic events of 26 December 2018 – Private Reconstruction
What is it The provisions of this ordinance apply to properties located in the Municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Catania destroyed or damaged by the seismic events of 26 December 2018, identified in Annex 1 of the decree-law of 18 April 2019 n. 32, converted with amendments by law 14 June 2019 n. 55. Who is it addressed to? Legitimized subjects, […]
CTE COBO project – Public notice Call 4 Tech & Solution for participation in the COBO Open Innovation program
What is it With this public notice, called “Call 4 Tech & Solution”, the Metropolitan City of Bologna intends to select, with a public tender procedure, three innovative Start-Ups, Spin-Offs and/or SMEs (hereinafter called innovation partners) who can participate in the “Cobo Open Innovation” program, to respond to the innovation challenges launched by the 3 SMEs already selected […]
Expression of interest for participation in the Merano Wine Festival 2024 – CCIAA Catanzaro Crotone and Vibo Valentia
What is Promocalabriacentro, Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia intends to verify the interest of winemaking companies with registered and/or operational headquarters in the province of Catanzaro, Crotone and/Vibo Valentia in participating in the XXXIII edition of MERANO WINEFESTIVAL, an event scheduled in Merano from 8 to 12 November 2024, in pursuit of its […]
Non-repayable contributions to new businesses - Municipality of Gambettola - year 2024
What is it? The contribution is reserved for companies with registered office in the municipal territory of Gambettola and/or at least one local operational unit in the municipal territory, which started their activity in the period between 01.10 of the year preceding the year in which the application was presented. application and 30.09 of the current year. Who is it aimed at I am […]
2022 – Public notice for non-repayable contributions for management costs incurred by commercial and artisanal economic activities operating in the Municipality of Roccamena
What is it Concessions using the resources of the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities. Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at companies operating in the Municipality of Roccamena. What it provides: Non-repayable contributions for management costs incurred by commercial and artisanal economic activities.
New Credit Fund – Start Up Section and Internationalization Section
What is it? The facilitation intervention operates through a public reinsurance fund, called Fondo NUOVO CREDITO “START UP” and Fondo NUOVE CREDITO “INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE”, on a first degree guarantee issued by the collective credit guarantee consortia (Confidi) of referred to in the art. 13 of the legislative decree of 30 September 2003, n. 269, converted into law 24 November 2003, […]
Public notice COBO Tech Transfer Project – Test Before Invest
What is it? With this public notice, the Metropolitan City of Bologna intends to activate, with a public tender procedure, a support program aimed at already established companies (including in the start-up phase), which intend to experiment with enabled and/or portable innovative solutions on 5G network, and/or one or more of the emerging technologies (Internet of Things, Intelligence […]