Public notice “Contribution to the issuance costs incurred by SMEs eligible to participate in the Basket Bond Lazio operation – Minibond Guarantee Fund
What is it? The purpose of the contribution is to broaden the potential audience of SME issuers, reducing the incidence of fixed costs connected to the issuance of bonds and therefore making the issuance of Minibonds more convenient even for more modest denominations, suitable for smaller businesses. dimensions. The non-repayable contribution partially covers some costs of issuing Minibonds [...]
Non-repayable contributions for economic, commercial and artisanal activities - Annual 2021 - Municipality of Ordona
What is it? The tender, in implementation of the "Support Fund for the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the economic, commercial and artisan system of the Municipality of Ordona. Who is it addressed to? The beneficiaries of this notice are small and micro businesses that carry out economic, artisanal and commercial activities through a […]
Tourism Notice 2024 – Basilicata Chamber of Commerce
What is a tender for the granting of vouchers for the tourism sector. Who is it aimed at: MSMEs in the tourism sector (accommodation, catering, related services, etc.) with operational headquarters in Basilicata. What it involves: Granting of a voucher with a maximum value of €5,000.00 (equal to 70% of eligible expenses) for interventions on the promotion of the Lucanian tourism chain, […]
Granting of contributions for investments for the construction and modernization of cableways - Autonomous Province of Bolzano
What is it? The province supports the development and efficient operation of cable cars through the granting of grants for investments in the construction and modernization of cableways. Who is it aimed at? The concessions are aimed at: a) cableway operators; b) consortia or communities of interest of cableway operators. […]
Energy Transition 2024 Announcement – Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Sondrio
What is it Notice, promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Sondrio, for the granting of non-repayable contributions aimed at encouraging the start of preparatory paths for the energy transition for the development of energy efficiency interventions. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at MSMEs in the province of Sondrio. What it involves The benefit consists in the provision of […]
Grants - Music Fund - Autonomous Province of Bolzano
What is it Support for musical productions aims in particular to develop the cultural heritage of musical production by further integrating a territory characterized by strong cultural specificities, the strengthening of Alto Adige as a place of musical production and the promotion of the development of professions related to it The contribution for the production and economic use of works […]
Annual 2022 - Municipality of Castel di Lucio - Assignment of non-repayable contributions for the implementation of economic support actions in favor of small and micro businesses in order to contain the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic
What is it Non-repayable contribution for the implementation of economic support actions in favor of small and micro-enterprises in the municipal area aimed at containing the impact of the economy from COVID-19 - 2022 year. Who is it aimed at? Operating small and micro-enterprises in the territory of the Municipality of Castel di Lucio. What does it involve Assignment of contributions to […]
Internationalization Call 2024 – Basilicata Chamber of Commerce
What is it Notice for the granting of vouchers for the internationalization of MSMEs with operational headquarters in Basilicata. Who is it aimed at? The announcement is aimed at MSMEs with operational headquarters in Basilicata. What it involves Provision of a contribution equal to 70% of eligible expenses, for a maximum of €5,000.00 to cover material expenses and […]
Transition 4.0 Announcement – Basilicata Chamber of Commerce
What is Call for the granting of vouchers regarding digital and ecological transition. Who is it aimed at? The announcement is aimed at MSMEs with operational headquarters in Basilicata. What it involves Granting of a voucher for a maximum amount of €7,000.00 for purchase, training and consultancy expenses regarding enabling technologies (e.g. […]
Selection of Natural Shopping Center Enhancement Projects 2024-25
What is the Call with the aim of supporting projects to enhance the commercial activities present in natural shopping centers which involve the creation of qualified events aimed at safeguarding the identity of places and productions, promoting tourism, attracting flows of local visitors , regional and national as well as to consolidate the digitalisation process undertaken for […]
CTE COBO project – Public notice for participation in the “COBO Power Up” program
What is it Opportunity to participate in a vertical incubation path, called COBO POWER UP, lasting at least 12 weeks, up to a maximum of 20 weeks, as well as obtaining a financial benefit for the development of an entrepreneurial project up to a maximum of €20,000.00. The COBO POWER UP program also includes the organization of […]
Piemonte Film TV Development Fund – 2024
What is it? The Piemonte Film TV Development Fund is part of a complex action to promote and support cinematographic and audiovisual production initiatives, started in 1996 by the Piedmont Region in agreement with the City of Turin and continued starting in 2000 with the birth of the Film Commission Turin Piedmont Foundation. The synergy between the Piedmont Region, […]