Contributions to economic activities located in the construction site area of ​​the red tram line in the historic center - Municipality of Bologna

What is it? The notice from the Municipality of Bologna is issued in line with the objectives of the PN Metro Plus Program and medium-sized cities in the South 2021-2027. Priority 1 – Digital Agenda and Urban Innovation, Action Urban Innovation, Operation Title: Economy of proximity, CUP: F38C23001560007, and complies with the selection criteria. The Municipality of Bologna intends to guarantee […]

Single Annual Call 2024 – Culture and Tourism – Vicenza Chamber of Commerce

What is the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, within the framework of the institutional competences entrusted and within the scope of its promotional initiatives aimed at encouraging the development of the local economic system, as well as by virtue of the principles of subsidiarity and complementarity provided for by Law no. . 580/1993 (and subsequent amendments and additions) and in accordance with its […]

Selection of project proposals to be financed within the Spoke 1 Genetic Diseases UNIMORE – CN RNA & Gene Therapy research program – Second edition

What is it Cascading call announced by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia – Spoke 1 “Genetic Diseases” in compliance with the provisions of the art. 5 of Public Notice no. 3138 of 12/16/2021, as part of the PNRR funding – Mission 4, Component 2 “From research to business”, Investment 1.4 “Strengthening research structures and creation of “national champions” of […]

Contributions for the opening of new economic activities and the redevelopment of existing ones 2024 – Municipality of Ville D'Anaunia

What is it The aim of the tender is to encourage and improve the attractiveness of the commercial offer through specific actions and interventions aimed at encouraging the opening of new local units (commercial, artisanal and tourist-accommodation) in the municipal area of ​​Ville d' Anaunia and also contribute to the reduction of vacant and/or unused premises, as well as to the redevelopment of existing activities. To those who […]

IMU exemption on down payment 2020 – Municipality of Livorno

What is Tax exemption for the categories affected by the measure to combat the Covid emergency. Who is it aimed at? Owners of properties carrying out activities in the tourism sector and of exhibition structures in the context of trade fair events. What does the 2020 IMU advance payment include? 

Security Notice 2024 – Mantua Chamber of Commerce

What is it Measure to support interventions aimed at increasing the safety levels of Mantua's MSMEs exposed to crime phenomena. Who is it aimed at? The announcement is aimed at MSMEs in Mantua. What it provides Maximum contribution of 8,000.00 euros per company, granted on a non-refundable basis to cover 50% of the value of expenses incurred and […]

Second year 2022 - Municipality of Spezzano Albanese - Non-repayable contributions for the start-up of new commercial, artisanal and agricultural economic activities

What is it Support for productive activities located within the municipal territory through incentives from the Support Fund for marginal municipalities. Who is it aimed at? The incentives are aimed at companies being established or established (in the latter case with the addition of a new ATECO code). What it involves Granting of non-repayable contributions.

Participation in the Big 5 Global Dubai 2024 Fair (PR Marche FESR 21/25 – Action 1.3.4)

What is it? As part of the 2024 Convention for internationalization and in collaboration with the Marche Region, we are organizing the collective participation of companies from the Marche region in the next edition of "BIG 5 GLOBAL", scheduled in Dubai from 26 to 29 November 2024. L The event, held at the Dubai World Trade Center, is reserved for manufacturing companies belonging to the following […]

Participation in the Boutique Design New York 2024 fair (PR Marche Fesr 21/27 – Action 1.3.4)

What is it As part of the 2024 Agreement between the Marche Region and the Marche Chamber of Commerce, we support collective regional participation in the next edition of the Boutique Design New York (BDNY) 2024 Fair (New York, 10-11 November 2024) for the sector furniture/furnishings, scheduled in New York, 10-11 November 2024 as part of the ICE collective. The BDNY fair, dedicated […]

Non-repayable contributions for economic, commercial and artisanal activities - Annual 2021 - Municipality of Soglio

What is it? The tender, in implementation of the "Fund to support the economic activities of the municipalities of the internal areas", is aimed at supporting the economic system of the Municipality of Soglio. Who is it aimed at? Small and micro businesses that carry out economic, commercial and artisanal activities through a local unit located in the municipality of Soglio. What […]