Cascading call for research activities carried out by business incubators as part of the project “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART” – Polytechnic of Bari

What is it? The Polytechnic of Bari has announced a public notice for research activities carried out by business incubators as part of the Project Project Title “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more sm ART” (by followed by RESTART), Project code PE00000001 financed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 “Education […]

Public notice for the presentation of project proposals within the Project “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART” – Polytechnic of Bari

What is it The Polytechnic of Bari has announced a public notice for the presentation of Project Proposals for Research activities carried out by Universities, Public Research Bodies and other Research Organizations (not beneficiaries of State aid) within the Project Title Project “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more […]

Cascading call no. 1 for companies in quantum technologies – NQSTI Spoke 8

What is Cascata Call for the financing of project proposals aimed at granting financing to companies for activities consistent with the "National Quantum Science & Technology Institute" NQSTI based on the resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Mission 4 , “Education and research” – Component 2, “From research to business” – Line […]

New Credit Fund – Internationalization Section

What is it? The facilitation intervention operates through a public reinsurance fund, called Fondo Nuovo Credito “Internationalizzazione”, on a first degree guarantee issued by the collective credit guarantee consortia (Confidi) referred to in art. 13 of the legislative decree of 30 September 2003, n. 269, converted into law 24 November 2003, n. 326, compared to a […]

Municipality of Carcofono - Contributions from the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities for each of the years from 2020 to 2022

What is it Incentive to benefit from the Fund to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities present in the area, for each of the years from 2020 to 2022. Who is it aimed at? The beneficiaries of the incentives are small and micro-enterprises operating in the Municipality of Carcoforo. What it provides Incentive and support for economic activities present in the area 

Announcement Tax credit for the purchase of recycled materials

What is it Tax credit aimed at companies that purchased products and packaging from recycled materials in 2023 and/or 2024. Who is it aimed at? The benefit is aimed at all companies that carry out an economic activity in Italy. What does it provide Tax credit equal to 36% of expenses incurred in 2023 and/or 2024 for […]

New Credit Fund – Start Up Section

What is it? The facilitation intervention operates through a public reinsurance fund, called Fondo Nuovo Credito “Start Up”, on a first degree guarantee issued by the collective credit guarantee consortia (Confidi) referred to in art. 13 of the legislative decree of 30 September 2003, n. 269, converted into law 24 November 2003, n. 326, compared to […]

Confindustria Innovation Hub – Digital first assessment services

What is Confindustria Innovation Hub is the National Digital Innovation Hub created by Confindustria as part of the project financed by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy under the PNRR. Confindustria Innovation Hub makes use of the operational coordination of Confindustria Training Systems and operates through the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) of the network made up of […]

Granting of non-repayable contributions to companies carrying out sales of goods or services and supplying food and drinks to the public with operational headquarters in the DUC of Busca

What is it Notice for the granting of non-repayable contributions to companies engaged in the sale of goods or services and the provision of food and drinks to the public - CUP G35C23000270006 Who is it addressed to? The notice is aimed at micro and small businesses with operational headquarters in the Urban Commerce District of [...]

2021 - Municipality of Valnegra - Announcement aimed at small and micro businesses operating in the municipal area, or at individuals who intend to undertake new economic activities in the municipal area

What is it Notice for the support of economic activities operating in the municipal area, or for individuals who intend to undertake new economic activities in the municipal area - Annual 2021. Who is it addressed to? The announcement is aimed at small and micro businesses in the area. What does it involve: Granting of concessions. 

AI for Umbria – innovative services for the introduction and experimentation (Proof of Concept – PoC) of artificial intelligence solutions

What is it The Notice aims to support the acquisition of innovative services aimed at the introduction and experimentation (Proof of Concept - Po C) of artificial intelligence solutions aimed at product and process innovation within the context corporate - within the trajectory "Systems and technologies for the diffusion of the web economy, the data economy, supercomputing [...]