Criteria for extraordinary interventions in favor of neighborhood services of public establishments - Autonomous Province of Bolzano

What is it The Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige grants concessions to neighborhood businesses in the form of a contribution for the opening of a business serving meals and drinks and for the maintenance of the public business. Who is it addressed to? The beneficiary of the relief is the public business that operates, as the only public business in a locality with […]

Call for international events – 2nd semester 2024 and 1st two months 2025 – Sicilian Region PR FESR 21/27 – Action 1.3.3

What is it Call aimed at enhancing the competitiveness and enhancing the presence of Sicilian MSMEs in international markets through participation in international trade fairs in the sector, in Italy and abroad, in B2B missions in target countries, in coordinated actions that include scouting, exploratory missions, outgoing and incoming missions, orientation services, cycles […]

Green and tech transition in textiles and fashion

What is it The Ministry of Business and Made in Italy (MIMIT) allocates 15 million euros to support the ecological and digital transition of SMEs in the textile, fashion and accessories sector. The initiative, financed by the “Made in Italy” law, is aimed at companies operating throughout the national territory. Who is it aimed at: SMEs operating […]

Patents + 2024

What is it The incentive supports patent-holding companies in their economic valorisation in terms of profitability, productivity and market development. Who is it addressed to? Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises owning the design/model covered by the application for participation. What it provides Non-repayable contribution of up to 140,000 euros, covering a maximum of 80% of eligible expenses.

Drawings + 2024

What is it The incentive supports mSMEs in the valorisation of designs and models through the acquisition of specialist services aimed at their valorisation, production and marketing. Who is it addressed to? Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises owning the design/model covered by the application for participation. What does it include: Non-repayable contribution of up to 60,000 euros, with maximum coverage […]

Brands + 2024

What is it The intervention supports micro, small and medium-sized companies in the protection of trademarks abroad through concessions granted in the form of a capital contribution, through the following facilitative measures: Measure A – Concessions to encourage the registration of trademarks of the European Union at EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) through the purchase of […]

New Skills Fund Third Edition

What is it The Fund supports the updating and development of workers' skills, in response to the needs of the modern labor market, characterized by rapid technological changes and a growing attention to sustainability. The Fund reimburses the cost of working hours allocated to attending training and thus facilitates the raising of the level of […]

Every Day in Lombardy second edition – 2025 window

What is it? The call supports events and initiatives of an attractive-tourist nature in Lombardy destinations to be carried out in Italy and/or abroad by public or private entities. Who is it addressed to Public and private entities, with operational headquarters in Lombardy, which operate in the tourism sector. What does the non-repayable contribution cover […]

Network Project – Internship Voucher

What it is It offers Italian companies the opportunity to welcome up to 3 interns for a period of 6 months, providing a voucher of 10,000 euros for each intern, to cover the participation allowance. Who is it aimed at Companies with registered office in Italy that have at least 30 employees. What does the non-refundable voucher provide […]

European Heritage Label 2025

What is it This is a special action of the Creative Europe program which has the objective of both enhancing the common cultural heritage and promoting its knowledge among European citizens. It is awarded to sites that have made a significant contribution to European history and culture. Who is it aimed at Owners of individual sites (monuments, […]

Calls for those who create – Professionalization of artists

What is it? The call finances artistic professionalization projects aimed at strengthening the knowledge and creative abilities of young authors, artists, interpreters and performers under 35 years of age resident in Italy or resident abroad but with Italian citizenship. In particular, the project proposal may concern a training-creative path aimed at giving rise to one or more […]

Calls for Who Creates – Live and national and international promotion

What is it The call finances projects aimed at the creation of live performance initiatives or promotion at national and international level of works by young authors, artists, interpreters and performers under 35. The project must pertain to one of the following artistic sectors: Visual arts, performative and multimedia – Cinema – Dance – Book and reading – […]