Digitalization promotion 2024 – Autonomous Province of Bolzano

What is it Interventions to promote the digitalisation of micro-enterprises 2024. Small businesses constitute a decisive part of the local economy in numerical terms. The increase in digital skills and services represents a fundamental need in order to increase modernization and competitiveness. The development of recent years makes the need to integrate the activities carried out in [...]

Annuity 2022 - Municipality of Gimigliano - Public notice for the granting of contributions from the Marginal Municipalities Fund

What is it Public notice for the granting of contributions from the Marginal Mutual Fund. Who is it aimed at? The beneficiaries are the "new economic activities" that undertake commercial, artisanal or agricultural activities through an operational unit located in the territory of the Municipality of Gimigliano. What it involves Granting of non-repayable contributions. 

Participation in the Maison Objet 2025 fair – PR Marche FESR 2021-27 -1.3.4

What is it As part of the 2024 Agreement between the Marche Region and the Marche Chamber of Commerce, we support the collective regional participation in the next edition of the Maison & Objet Fair for the furniture and household objects sector, scheduled in Paris from 16th to 20th January 2025 as part of the ICE collective. Maison & Objet is one […]

Participation in the Global Industrie Lyon 2025 fair – PR Marche FESR 21-27 -1.3.4

What is it As part of the 2024 Convention for internationalization and in collaboration with the Marche Region, we are organizing the collective participation of companies from the Marche region in the sectors listed below in the next edition of the “GLOBAL INDUSTRIE” Fair, scheduled in Lyon from 11 to 14 March 2025. Activity co-financed by the PR MARCHE FESR 2021-2027 – Action 1.3.4 “Support interventions […]

Expression of interest for access to the digitalisation services provided by the Seal of Excellence – HD MOTION

What is it Expression of interest for access to digitalisation services provided by HD_MOTION, a national project coordinated by CIM4.0 to accelerate competitiveness in the sustainable mobility sector through digital technologies such as AI, Cybersecurity and HPC. HDMotion is structured on four pillars: pre-investment testing, skills development, access to finance and creation of a […]

Expressions of interest for access to the digitalisation services provided by SOE AI Magister

What is it? Notice of selection procedure to encourage digitalisation and incorporation of artificial intelligence processes. This Notice regulates access to contributions provided by the Seal of excellence AI Magister technology transfer centre, a Temporary Purpose Association (ATS) made up of 17 organizations such as universities, research centers and private companies. The […]

Expression of interest for access to digitalisation services provided by the Seal of Excellence – PAI EDIH INSIEL

What is it Access to digitalisation services provided by PAI EDIH (Public Administration Intelligence – European Digital Innovation Hub) INSIEL. It is an initiative that aims to facilitate the digitalisation of public services and strengthen collaboration between the Public Administration (PA), Social Economy Organizations (OES) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), with a […]

Emergency notice of meteorological events in Calabria - First urgent civil protection interventions as a result of the exceptional meteorological events that occurred in the days from 26 November to 4 December 2022

What is it Public notice for the granting of benefits in order to deal with the emergency resulting from the calamitous events that occurred from 11/26/2022 to 12/4/2022 (Ocdpc n. 995 of 18 May 2023). Who is it addressed to? The Notice is aimed at economic and productive activities and private individuals affected by the meteorological phenomena that occurred in the days from 26 […]