Expression of interest for the participation of Marche companies in the “SIAL” agri-food sector fair – Paris, 19 – 23 October 2024

What is it? Invitation to participate in the “SIAL” AGRO-FOOD sector fair (Paris, 19 – 23 October 2024), as part of promotional activities to support Marche entrepreneurship and in particular the agri-food sector. Who is it addressed to? The invitation is addressed to production companies with registered and production headquarters in the Marche region regularly registered with the Chamber of Commerce, the Consortia […]

Expression of interest for the participation of Marche companies in the “Roma Sposa 2024” event

What is it Support for Marche businesses in the wedding sector in order to participate in the "Roma Sposa 2024" event, scheduled in Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, EUR, 24 - 27 October 2024. Who is it addressed to? The invitation is aimed at companies production company with registered and production headquarters in the Marche region regularly registered with the Chamber of Commerce, the Consortia and […]

Public notice for the granting of contributions to artisan businesses involved in the generational transition

What is it Notice for the granting of contributions to artisan businesses involved in the generational transition. The object of the intervention is the granting of aid to businesses in the craft sector involved in the generational transition (in favor of relatives or similar within the third degree of the owner entrepreneur or managing partner) or to employees of the business for at least three years or favor […]

EDI 5.0 Digital Innovation Hub – First and post assessment services

What is it? The EDI 5.0 Digital Innovation Hub operates with 54 Digital Innovation Helpdesks across the entire national territory. The SPINs are specialized structures, present within the Territorial Confcommercio, for supporting tertiary companies on innovation in services, digital and I4.0 themes. The Hub was selected as the implementing body for the provision of […]

Call to support the creation of youth businesses – Ferrara and Ravenna Chamber of Commerce

What is it As part of the "Extraordinary plan for young people's access to work and the promotion of doing business" launched by the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara and Ravenna to support youth employment and business start-ups and development, the "Tender to support the creation of youth businesses" was approved for the provision of non-repayable contributions to [...]

NETWORKS – Support for collaborative research

What is it The Notice has the aim of financing collaborative research projects between companies and research organisations, attributable to the lines of intervention Industrial Research and Experimental Development to support the implementation of technological supply chains with a high knowledge value, starting from new structure for the innovation supply chains of S3 SMART PUGLIA 2030 (Sustainable Manufacturing, Health […]

Digital Innovation Hub DIGITAL ACE – Artisanal and Cooperative Enterprises – first and post assessment services

What is the Digital Innovation Hub DIGITAL ACE, Artisanal and Cooperative Enterprises is promoted by the PICO Foundation (Digital Innovation Hub of Legacoop), Legacoop Nazionale and CNA National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises. It aims, through a Hub and 34 territorial Spokes, to raise awareness and bring companies closer to the opportunities of digital transformation, […]

Sustainability notice for the acquisition of qualified services for the achievement of ethical and social environmental certifications and for the promotion of ESG values ​​- Umbria Region

What is it? The Notice aims to support the acquisition of consultancy services aimed at promoting the ecological, social and governance transition, in coherence with the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (S3), through the start/continuation of product and process innovation paths. Who is it addressed to? The Notice is addressed to […]

Announcement for support for economic activities - Annual 2022

What is it? Through this announcement, adopted in execution of resolution no. 66 of 05 June 2024, the Municipality of Cavareno promotes the granting, in favor of economic activities operating in its territory, of non-repayable contributions to cover management expenses. The intervention envisaged by this notice is financed through the resources of […]

Notice of Tourism Voucher 2024 – Irpinia Sannio Chamber of Commerce

What is it Notice for the granting of non-repayable contributions for the digitalisation of tourism businesses with operational headquarters in the province of Avellino or Benevento. Who is it addressed to Companies with operational headquarters (object of the investment) in the province of Avellino or in the province of Benevento, active at least since the publication of this Notice and which carry out […]

Municipality of Villanova del Ghebbo – Measures to compensate companies providing school transport services for the losses in turnover resulting from the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency

What is it? The tender provides for the provision of contributions to compensate for losses in turnover due to the Covid 19 epidemic. Who is it aimed at? The subsidy is aimed at companies providing school transport services. What it provides The announcement provides for a benefit in the form of a Subsidy/Contribution towards interest - Contribution towards financial year.