LAG Barigadu Guilcer – Development of new entrepreneurial activities in non-agricultural production – PSR Sardinia 2014-2022 (Intervention19.
What is it The intervention intends to increase the entrepreneurial fabric of the territory through the valorisation of ancient knowledge and traditions and their encounter with new technologies and innovations. Who is it aimed at Individuals who intend to start a micro-enterprise, individually or in corporate form, within the sector of any non-agricultural production sector. […]
TTG Travel Experience 2024 announcement – Trapani Chamber of Commerce
What is it? The Trapani Chamber of Commerce, through its Special Company "Services to Businesses", organizes the participation of hospitality businesses in the TTG Travel Experience 2024, an Italian event of reference for the marketing of the Italian tourist offer in the world, which will be held in Rimini from 9 to 11 October 2024 ( Who is it aimed at I am […]
PIDNEXT Digital Innovation Hub – first and post assessment services
What is it PID-Next is the Innovation Hub of the chamber of commerce system and aims to support the digital transformation of businesses, in particular micro, small and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs). The Hub offers services for all companies that wish to face digital transformation, thanks to first assessment actions and targeted orientation activities. […]
Expression of interest in accessing the digitalisation services provided by Seal Of Excellence CATCH atMIND
What is Catch at MIND is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH), a tool provided by the European Union to encourage the adoption of innovative digital technologies, through the creation of a technological context, skills and services aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and the Public Administration. The project obtained the Seal of Excellence from the European Union […]
Further measures linked to the construction of the Trento railway ring road
What is it Criteria and methods for granting contributions to entrepreneurial activities located near the construction area of the northern entrance of the Trento railway ring road. The contribution is due for each headquarters or active local unit listed in the Business Register corresponding to a real estate unit located near the construction area of the northern entrance of the aforementioned […]
Tourist and cultural promotion on national and international markets. Participation in trade fairs – Veneto Region FESR 2021-2027
What is it? Through this tender, the Veneto Region intends to support companies that operate in the tourism supply chain and/or that contribute to the definition of a tourism product of the Veneto Region, with the aim of presiding over international markets through adequate promotional actions. and marketing of the Venetian tourist offer. Who is it aimed at? The beneficiaries of […]
Cascade call for Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprises – SPOKE N. 6 – PNRR MNESYS
What is it? The MNESYS project (A multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease) promotes and supports fundamental research activities, in the field of "neuroscience", which are original, medium-large in size and low technology maturity level (TRL). Who is it addressed to? They can request the benefits referred to in this Notice: […]
Call for contributions to support the digital and ecological transition of businesses 2024-2025 – Genoa Chamber of Commerce
What is the Call for contributions to support the digital and ecological transition of businesses 2024 - 2025. Who is it addressed to? The call is aimed at Micro, Small or Medium-sized enterprises with registered office and/or local units in the territorial district of the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa, registered in the Company Register, in compliance with […]
Call for investments in the development of forest areas and protection of truffle ecosystems in hilly and mountainous areas - Campania Region
What is it The intervention is aimed at: - the creation of permanent afforestation with mycorrhised seedlings on suitable land, with the aim of contributing to the mitigation of climate change through carbon sequestration; - the defense of the territory and soil from biotic and abiotic causes , the prevention of natural risks, the regulation of water, as well as the conservation and […]
CTE COBO project – Public notice for participation in the COBO Open Innovation program – second edition (CUP F39I22001840004)
What is it? With this public notice, the Metropolitan City of Bologna intends to select, with a public notice, three companies that can participate in the “COBO Open Innovation” program. The program offers them the opportunity to access cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions developed by startups, spin-offs and innovative SMEs. The objective is to encourage collaboration between consolidated companies […]
Expression of interest for access to the digitalisation services provided by Seal Of Excellence EDIH4DT
What is it? The EDIH4DT project is a Digital Innovation Hub called "Secure digital transformation of PA and businesses" in the areas of specialization: Artificial Intelligence (AI), High Performance Computing (HPC), data, communication networks and IT Security ( CS); with particular reference to the application areas concerning the simplification of Public Administration (PA), Digital & Social Innovation, […]
Contribution for investments in innovative technologies carried out by television and radio broadcasters as well as by newspaper and periodical publishing companies and by news agencies
What is it With the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 10 August 2023, issued in concert with the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy and the Minister of Economy and Finance, the resources of the Extraordinary Fund for Publishing for the year 2023 have been distributed; in […]