The objective of the call is to involve subjects interested in implementing fundamental and applied research and technology transfer projects in the field of food and nutrition, which are original and innovative, of medium to large dimensions. The specific aspect of the research and innovation program concerns Global sustainability, a strategy that has a positive impact on the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of the food system that respects consumer choices, promotes seasonality and high quality of products and reduces social inequality.
Who is it aimed at?
The subjects eligible to submit project proposals are: • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) having the dimensional parameters referred to in Annex I of Regulation (EC) no. 800/2008 of the Commission of 6 August 2008 (General Block Exemption Regulation) in OJEU L 214 of 9.8.2008. • Large Enterprises (GI) provided that the requirement of collaboration with at least one MSME persists. • State Universities and research organisations, public and private, supervised and not supervised by the MUR (Research Organisations) provided that the requirement for collaboration with at least one MSME persists.
What does it predict
Interventions that include activities such as: 1. are considered eligible. Fundamental Research2. Industrial Research3. Experimental Development Each project proposal must provide that the financial resources referred to in this announcement are allocated to the regions of Southern Italy (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily) for at least 84%. The projects may have a total cost between a minimum of €300,000 and a maximum of €800,000. The benefit will be in the form of a non-repayable contribution.