The “New zero-interest businesses” measure aims to support, throughout the national territory, the creation and development of micro and small businesses with predominantly or completely youth or female participation. Following the provisions set out in legislative decree no. 34/2019 and law no. 160/2019, with Decree of the Minister of Economic Development, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance, 4 December 2020, published in the Official Journal no. 21 of 27 January 2021, the new implementing regulation was defined with a view to greater effectiveness of the intervention.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro and small businesses established for no more than 60 (sixty) months on the date of submission of the application for relief and in which the corporate structure is made up, for more than half the number of members and participation shares, of individuals aged between 18 to 35 years old or women. Natural persons who intend to set up a new business can also access as long as they send the necessary documentation to prove that it has been set up within the deadlines indicated in the communication of admission to the benefits.
What does it predict
Initiatives, which can be implemented throughout the national territory, promoted in the following sectors are eligible: - production of goods in the industrial, craft and processing of agricultural products sectors, - provision of services to businesses and people including those relating to social innovation, – trade in goods and services, – tourism including cultural-tourism activities aimed at enhancing and enjoying the cultural, environmental and landscape heritage, as well as activities aimed at improving accommodation and reception services. The investment programs proposed by companies that have been established for no more than 36 months may provide for eligible expenses not exceeding 1,500,000 euros. The aforementioned maximum may also include an amount to cover working capital needs (to be justified in the business plan and can be used for the purposes of paying for raw materials, services necessary for carrying out the company's activities and enjoyment of third-party assets), within the limit of 20% of investment expenses. For companies established for more than 36 months and no more than 60 months, the amount of eligible expenses cannot exceed €3,000,000. The programs must be implemented within twenty-four months from the date of signature of the financing contract.