MAD - Management Advisor srl

NIDI – New Business Initiatives FESR PUGLIA 2021-2027

What you need to know

The NIDI Notice - New business initiatives is aimed at offering help for starting a new business with a non-repayable contribution and a loan repayable on investment expenses, with a further non-repayable contribution for the costs of management supported in the first months of activity.


The notice is addressed to:

  • those who intend to start a new business and have not yet established the company;
  • businesses established less than 6 months ago;
  • companies, even if they have been established for more than 6 months, which are configured as:
    • generational change;
      takeover of a company in crisis or of a company confiscated by employees; social cooperatives assignees of confiscated real estate;
    • beneficiaries of the “PIN – Innovative Pugliesi” measure.

Business initiatives must fall into one of the following categories:

– Youth Teams, to be established in the form of companies, entirely owned by young people aged between 18 and 35 on the date of the preliminary application and made up of at least 50% (of the capital and number of members) of individuals who do not are: employees of other companies with permanent contracts exceeding 20 hours per week, pensioners, owners or directors of another company;

  • Women's businesses, in the form of individual businesses or companies, entirely owned by women over the age of 18 and made up of at least 50% (of the capital and number of shareholders) of individuals who are not: employees of other businesses with permanent contract for over 20 hours per week, pensioners, owners or directors of another company;
  • New businesses, at least 50% owned (of the capital and number of shareholders), by disadvantaged individuals belonging to at least one of the following categories:

a) young people aged between 18 and 35;

b) women over 18 years of age;

c) subjects who have not had subordinate employment relationships in the last month;

d) people about to lose a job;

e) VAT number holders not registered in the business register who, in the 12 months prior to the submission of the preliminary electronic application, have issued invoices for a taxable amount of less than 15,000 Euros;

f) worker members and administrators of social cooperatives assignees of confiscated real estate;

g) members and directors of companies, established in the form of companies, who have signed the act of commitment and regulation of relationships within the scope of the project financed by the public notice “PIN – Pugliesi Innovativi”.

Tourist companies in possession of the same requirements as for new companies.

Eligible interventions

With the tool it is possible to start a new business in the following sectors:

  • manufacturing,
  • construction and construction,
  • repairs of cars and motorcycles,
  • guest houses and bed & breakfasts,
  • catering with and without kitchen,
  • information and communication services,
  • professional, scientific and technical activities,
  • travel agencies,
  • Support services to companies,
  • instruction,
  • non-residential health and social assistance,
  • artistic, sporting, entertainment and entertainment activities (lotteries, betting and casino activities are excluded),
  • personal service activities,
  • e-commerce;
  • trade (only for confiscated businesses).

Eligible expenses

The investment expenses that can be financed are:

  • production machinery, systems, various equipment and commercial vehicles;
  • non-personalized computer programs;
  • construction and similar works.

For Youth Teams and Women's Companies only, the following are also eligible:

  • development of B2B and B2C platforms, proprietary e-commerce systems and mobile apps, up to a maximum of €5,000.

Tourism companies must make investments in at least two of the following additional types of sustainable and innovative investments:

  • technological tools connected to the activity and aimed at innovating organizational processes and guest services;
  • development of platforms and mobile apps, also for the management of electronic booking systems, up to a maximum of €5,000;
  • interventions to improve the accessibility of the structure to people with disabilities;
  • sustainable means of transport for guests.

For Tourist Businesses, expenses for construction and renovation works (which also include fixtures, electrical, thermo-hydraulic, centralized air conditioning and air conditioning, telephone and telematic systems, energy production, swimming pools, prefabricated and removable structures and land development costs) are eligible in total within the limit of 20% of the amount of the eligible investment in other assets.

It is possible to finance the following management costs:

  • raw materials, semi-finished products, consumables;
  • leasing of properties or rental of production equipment;
  • utilities: energy, water, heating, telephone and connectivity
  • premiums for insurance policies;
  • fees and subscriptions for access to databases, for software services, "cloud" services, information services, housing, registration of Internet domains, search engine positioning services, purchase of space for Web Marketing campaigns; website customization services acquired by a company operating in the software production sector, IT consultancy and related activities;
  • expenses for the purchase of individual and collective protective equipment.


For new businesses and existing businesses benefiting from the “PIN – Pugliesi Innovativi” measure, the proposed investment can have a value between 10 thousand and 150 thousand euros, with relief that varies as the value of the investment increases.

100% discount for investments between 10 thousand and 50 thousand euros.

Concession equal to 90% (100% for female businesses only) for investments between 50 thousand and 100 thousand euros.

Discount equal to 80% for investments between 100 thousand and 150 thousand euros.

The benefit consists of:

  • a non-repayable contribution equal to 50% of the total subsidized investments;
  • a repayable loan equal to 50% of the total subsidized investments (reduced to 25% for Youth Groups and Women's Enterprises);
  • for Youth Teams and Women's Businesses, help in the form of reimbursable assistance equal to 25% of the total subsidized investments.

Management costs are 100% subsidized up to a maximum of 10 thousand euros. This maximum amount applies to each project. For Youth Teams and Women's Businesses, an additional contribution of €5,000.00 is foreseen for expenses on IT services.

For initiatives in continuity with pre-existing businesses (generational transfer, takeover of a business in crisis, takeover of a confiscated business, social cooperatives assignees of confiscated real estate) it is possible to envisage investment programs of up to €250,000.00.

The benefit, a sum of grant (repayable fund) and subsidized loan, varies as the value of the investment increases.

100% discount for investments between 10 thousand and 50 thousand euros. Discount equal to 90% for investments between 50 thousand and 100 thousand euros.

Discount equal to 80% for investments between 100 thousand and 250 thousand euros.

Management costs are 100% subsidized up to a maximum of 20 thousand euros. This maximum amount applies to each project. For all subsidized initiatives, the repayable loan is disbursed in the form of a mortgage with a duration of 60 months (84 months for mortgages exceeding €60,000.00), with a fixed rate of 0.00%. For youth teams and women's businesses, the loan will be equal to 25% of the total subsidized investments and the remaining 25% will consist of aid in the form of repayable assistance. Beneficiaries who are up to date with the repayment of the installments of the repayment plan before the expiry of the 31st installment and who have fulfilled the correct proof of expenditure will be recognized with a reward of an amount equal to the sum of the 30 installments of the reimbursable assistance. This reward, equal to 25% of the subsidized amount, will be granted through the full rebate of the remaining 30 installments.


Waiting for the publication of the implementing decree. Publication expected in the second half of 2023.

Photo by Aron Marinelli on Unsplash


Who is it aimed at?

Business - predominantly female, Natural person/Aspiring entrepreneur


Non-repayable contribution



Geographic area



Tourism, Commerce, Manufacturing, Services, Construction, Catering, Health

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