MAD - Management Advisor srl

Brands + 2023

What you need to know

The benefits are aimed at encouraging the registration of community trademarks at the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) and the registration of international trademarks at the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).

The program includes two lines of intervention:

Measure A – Concessions to encourage the registration of European Union trademarks at EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) through the purchase of external specialist services

Measure B – Facilities to encourage the registration of international trademarks at WIPO (World Intellectual Property ) through the purchase of external specialist services


MSME – Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises with registered and operational headquarters in Italy

For MEASURE A it is necessary to have filed, starting from 1 January 2020, the application for registration with EUIPO of the trademark covered by the benefit and to have complied with the payment of the relevant filing fees;


have obtained registration , at EUIPO, of the European Union trademark which is the subject of the application to participate. This registration must have taken place prior to the submission of the application for participation;

For MEASURE B it is necessary to have carried out, starting from 1 January 2020, at least one of the following activities: the filing of the application for registration with WIPO of a trademark registered at national level with UIBM or of a European Union trademark registered with EUIPO and have complied with the payment of the relevant registration fees;

  • the filing of the application for registration with WIPO of a trademark for which an application for registration has already been filed with UIBM or EUIPO and having complied with the payment of the relevant registration fees;
  • the filing of the application for subsequent designation of a registered trademark with WIPO and having complied with the payment of the relevant registration fees;


having obtained the publication of the application for registration on the WIPO international register (Madrid Monitor) of the trademark which is the subject of the application for participation. The publication of the application for registration of the trademark on the WIPO international register (Madrid Monitor) must have occurred prior to the presentation

of the application for participation.

Subsidy and eligible expenses

For Measure A , the benefits are granted to the extent of 80% of the eligible expenses incurred for filing fees and of the eligible expenses incurred for the acquisition of specialist services and in compliance with the maximum amounts envisaged for each type and in any case by maximum total amount per brand of €6,000.00.


For Measure B , the benefits are granted to the extent of 90% of the eligible expenses incurred for the acquisition of specialist services and for registration fees in compliance with the maximum amounts envisaged for each type and in any case within the maximum overall amount for mark of 9,000.00 euros.


For the purposes of extension and precedence searches, the European Union is considered as a single country.

For measure B , for international registration applications filed from 1 January 2020 for the same trademark it is possible to make subsequent designations of additional countries;
in this case the benefits can be cumulated up to the maximum amount per trademark of €9,000.00. For measure B, for international registration applications filed before 1 January 2020 it is possible to request benefits exclusively for subsequent designations made after January 1, 2020; in this case the maximum amount of concessions per brand is €4,000.00.

Each company can submit multiple requests for relief, both for Measure A and for
Measure B, until the overall value of €25,000.00 is reached.

For the same brand it is possible to combine the benefits provided for measures A and B (if measure B does not indicate the European Union as the designated country) in compliance with the maximum amounts indicated per brand and per company.
For the same brand it is possible to submit the request for relief for both Measure A and Measure B in a single application.

If a company can request the relief for multiple brands, an application must be submitted for each of them, otherwise the application itself will be inadmissible.

The benefits referred to in this Notice cannot be cumulated, for the same eligible expenses or part of them, with other State aid or aid granted under the de minimis regime or benefits financed with EU resources (e.g. EUIPO - IDEAS POWERED FOR BUSINESS).
However, within the limit of 100% of the expenses actually incurred, the benefits can be used together with all general measures, including of a fiscal nature, which are not state aid and are not subject to the cumulation rules.


The benefit will be paid by the managing entity directly to the bank or postal account indicated by the beneficiary company within 90 days of communication of the granting of the benefit itself.


Door opening from 9.30am on 21 November 2023 and until available resources are exhausted

Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Micro Enterprises, SMEs, MSMEs


Non-repayable contribution


Until funds run out


November 21, 2023

Geographic area

Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto



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