The Marchi+2021 Call, promoted by the General Directorate for the protection of industrial property - UIBM of the Ministry of Economic Development and managed by Unioncamere, intends to support micro, small and medium-sized companies in the protection of trademarks abroad through the acquisition of specialist services: - Measure A: Facilities to encourage the registration of European Union trademarks, - Measure B: Facilities to encourage the registration of international trademarks. The financial resources of the Marchi+2021 call amount to 3,000,000.00 euros.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro and SMEs with registered and operational headquarters in Italy that operate in all sectors. On the date of submission of the application for participation, the company must: For Measure A: – have filed, starting from 1 June 2018, the application for registration with EUIPO of the trademark covered by the benefit and have complied with the payment of the related filing fees, as well as - having obtained registration, at EUIPO, of the European Union trademark which is the subject of the application for participation. This registration must have taken place prior to the submission of the application for participation. For Measure B: - having carried out, starting from 1 June 2018, at least one of the following activities: 1. the filing of the application for registration with WIPO of a trademark registered at national level with UIBM or of a European Union trademark registered with EUIPO and having complied with the payment of the relevant registration fees, 2. the filing of the application for registration with WIPO of a trademark for which an application for registration has already been filed with UIBM or with EUIPO and having complied with the payment of the relevant fees of registration, 3. the filing of the application for subsequent designation of a registered trademark with WIPO and having complied with the payment of the relevant registration fees, as well as - having obtained the publication of the application for registration on the international register of the WIPO (Madrid Monitor) of brand which is the subject of the application for participation. The publication of the application for trademark registration on the WIPO international register (Madrid Monitor) must have occurred prior to the submission of the application for participation.
What does it predict
For Measure A, the benefits are granted to the extent of 50% of the eligible expenses incurred for filing fees and 80% of the eligible expenses incurred for the acquisition of specialist services and in compliance with the maximum amounts envisaged for each type and in any case within the maximum overall amount per brand of €6,000.00. For Measure B, the benefits are granted to the extent of 80% (90% for USA or CHINA) of the eligible expenses incurred for the acquisition of specialist services and in compliance with the maximum amounts envisaged for each type and in any case within the amount overall maximum per brand of €8,000.00.