Collective exhibition of independent publishing houses and bookshops from the Lazio region at the National Small and Medium Publishing Fair. 6 -10 December 2023 – La Nuvola Congress Center. Subsidy/Interest subsidy – Premium. Regulatory references: Det. n. G15638 “Più Libri Più Liberi – National Fair of Small and Medium Publishing”, Rome at the “La Nuvola” conference center from 6 to 10 December 2023.
Who is it aimed at?
All economic sectors eligible to receive aid.
What does it predict
The initiative of the Lazio Region and the Rome Chamber of Commerce involves the setting up of a collective exhibition space of approximately 100 m2 where a selection of up to 18 companies from Lazio will be hosted. The selected companies will have support and services available for materials, design/studies/consultancy.