As part of the industrial reconversion and redevelopment project of the complex industrial crisis area of Savona, approved, pursuant to art. 27 of the legislative decree of 22 June 2012, n. 83, with Program Agreement signed on 30 March 2018 between the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, National Agency for Active Work Policies - ANPAL, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Liguria Region, Province of Savona, Port System Authority of Western Ligurian Sea Ports of Savona and Vado Ligure and National Agency for attracting investments and business development Spa – Invitalia, the incentive is aimed at relaunching entrepreneurial activities, safeguarding employment levels, supporting investment and entrepreneurial development in the territory of the Municipalities belonging to the complex industrial crisis area of Savona. The new Program Agreement of 10 August 2023 is valid for 36 months until 10 August 2026 and confirms the industrial relaunch and development objectives of the aforementioned "Industrial reconversion and redevelopment project of the complex industrial crisis area of Savona" adopted with the Program Agreement of 30 March 2018.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies already established in the form of joint-stock companies can apply for the relief. The cooperative companies referred to in art. can also apply for relief. 2511 and following of the civil code and the consortium companies referred to in the art. 2615-ter of the civil code. Finally, business networks are permitted, consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 companies, through the use of the network contract instrument referred to in article 3, paragraph 4-ter, of the legislative decree of 10 February 2009, n. 5, converted, with amendments, by law 9 April 2009, n. 33, and subsequent amendments and additions.
What does it predict
The incentive promotes the creation of one or more entrepreneurial initiatives in the territory of the Municipalities falling within the industrial crisis area of Savona, aimed at strengthening the local production fabric and attracting new investments. In particular, entrepreneurial initiatives must: a. provide for the implementation of productive investment programs and/or investment programs for environmental protection, possibly completed by projects for organizational innovation and/or process innovation, research and/or experimental development projects and by projects for staff training; b. lead to the maintenance or increase of the employees of the production unit covered by the investment program. The benefits are granted in the form of the contribution towards installations, any direct contribution to expenditure and subsidized financing, under the conditions and within the limits of the maximum aid intensities envisaged by Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 (“GBER Regulation”). The subsidized financing that can be granted cannot be less than 20% of the eligible investments. The contribution towards the plant account and any direct contribution to the expenditure are determined in relation to the amount of the subsidized loan, within the limits of the maximum aid intensities envisaged by the GBER Regulation. In implementation of the provisions of article 7, paragraph 10, of the decree of 24 March 2022 and of point 7.16 of the circular of 16 June 2022, companies that intend to carry out entrepreneurial initiatives that are eco-sustainable can request the benefits pursuant to section 3.13 of the “Temporary framework for state aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 emergency”, containing measures to support investments towards a sustainable recovery.