Law 181/1989 – Public notice for the selection of entrepreneurial initiatives in the territories of the Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche regions affected by the flood events that occurred starting from 05/1/2023

February 15, 2024


Contribution/Refundable Fund, Loan/Repayable Advance


Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Tuscany


Agri-food, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles







March 26, 2024
May 28, 2024


Applications for access to the benefits may be submitted to the National Agency for Attracting Investments and Business Development Spa – Invitalia, according to the methods and models indicated in the specific section dedicated to law no. 181/1989 of the Agency's website ( starting from 12.00 on 03/26/2024 until 12.00 on 05/28/2024.


On 30 November 2023 it was signed between the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy (MIMIT), the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Tuscany Region, the Marche Region and the National Agency for Attracting Investments and Business Development Spa – Invitalia, a Program Agreement aimed at relaunching entrepreneurial activities, safeguarding employment levels, supporting investment programs in the territory of the Municipalities of the Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche Regions affected by the flood events which occurred starting from 1 May 2023 (including in annex 1 to the legislative decree of 1 June 2023, n. 61, converted, with amendments, by law 31 July 2023, n. The Program Agreement is valid for 36 months until 30 November 2026. With directorial circular dated 13 February 2024, n. 367, the public notice was published for the selection of entrepreneurial initiatives in the territories of the Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche regions affected by the flood events which occurred starting from 1 May 2023 through recourse to the aid regime referred to in law no. 181/1989.

Who is it aimed at?

Companies already established in the form of joint-stock companies can apply for the relief; cooperative companies (as per art. 2511 et seq. of the civil code and consortium companies as per art. 2615-ter of the civil code) can also apply for relief. Finally, business networks are permitted, consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 companies, through the use of the network contract instrument (referred to in article 3, paragraph 4-ter, of the legislative decree of 10 February 2009 , no. 5, converted, with amendments, by law 9 April 2009, no. 33, and subsequent amendments and additions).

What does it predict

The incentive promotes the creation of one or more entrepreneurial initiatives in the territory of the Municipalities of the Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche Regions affected by the flood events which occurred starting from 1 May 2023, aimed at strengthening the local productive fabric and attracting new investments. In particular, entrepreneurial initiatives must: a. provide for the implementation of productive investment programs and/or investment programs for environmental protection, possibly completed by projects for organizational innovation and/or process innovation, research and/or experimental development projects and by projects for staff training; b. result in the maintenance or increase of the employees of the production unit covered by the investment programme. The benefits are granted in the form of the contribution towards installations, any direct contribution to expenditure and subsidized financing, under the conditions and within the limits of the maximum aid intensities envisaged by Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 (“GBER Regulation”). The subsidized financing that can be granted cannot be less than 20% of the eligible investments. The contribution towards the plant account and any direct contribution to the expenditure are determined in relation to the amount of the subsidized loan, within the limits of the maximum aid intensities envisaged by the GBER Regulation. Productive investment programs may also be eligible for benefits under the conditions and within the limits established by Regulation (EU) no. 2831/2023 on “de minimis” aid. 

Objective – Purpose

Business crisis, Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Refundable Fund, Loan/Repayable Advance

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Personnel costs, Buildings and land, Professional training, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type
Consortium, Cooperatives/Non-Profit Associations, Enterprise, Business Network


Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Micro Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agri-food, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;


Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Tuscany


Alfonsine; Silver; Bagnacavallo; Bagnara di Romagna; Bagno di Romagna; Bertinoro; Bologna; Villages; Borgo Tossignano; Brisighella; Budrio; Casalfiumanese; Casola Valsenio; Castel Bolognese; Castel Guelfo in Bologna; Castel Maggiore; Castel San Pietro Terme; Castel del Rio; Casteldelci; Castenaso; Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole; Cervia; Cesena; Cesenatico; Civitella di Romagna; Conselice; Cotignola; Dovadola; Dozza; Faenza; Fano; Firenzuola; Fontanelice; Forlimpopoli; Forlì; Fusignano; Gabicce Mare; Galeata; Gambettola; Gatteo; Imola; Loiano; Londa; Longiano; Lugo; Marradi; Massa Lombarda; Medicine; Meldola; Saracen Market; Modigliana; Molinella; Monghidoro; Monte Grimano Terme; Monte San Pietro; Montelabbate; Monterenzio; Montescudo-Monte Colombo; Montiano; Monzuno; They bite; Novafeltria; Ozzano dell'Emilia; Palazzuolo sul Senio; Pesaro; Pianoro; Portico and San Benedetto; Predappio; Premilcuore; Ravenna; Riolo Terme; Rocca San Casciano; Roncofreddo; Russians; San Benedetto Val di Sambro; San Lazzaro di Savena; San Leo; San Mauro Pascoli; Sant'Agata Feltria; Sant'Agata sul Santerno; Hagia Sophia; Sarsina; Sasso Marconi; Sassocorvaro Auditore; Savignano sul Rubicone; Sogliano al Rubicone; Solarolo; Tredozio; Urbino; Valsamoggia; Verghereto

Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Invitalia - National agency for attracting investments and business development SpA

Primary regulatory basis

Terms, methods and procedures for submitting applications for access to benefits in favor of investment programs aimed at the redevelopment of industrial crisis areas referred to in law no. 181/89
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Terms, methods and procedures for submitting applications for access to benefits in favor of investment programs aimed at the redevelopment of industrial crisis areas referred to in law no. 181/89

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

50000000 €

Reference site the-selection-of-entrepreneurial-initiatives-in-the-territories-of-the-regions-emilia-romagna-tuscany-and-marche-int

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