The IPCEI Hy2Move (commonly, IPCEI Hydrogen 4) supports projects that focus exclusively on specific challenges and objectives of hydrogen technology in mobility and transport applications, including:- the development of mobility and transport applications to integrate technologies of hydrogen in means of transport (road, maritime and air). This includes, for example, fuel cell vehicle platforms for buses and trucks;- the development of high-performance fuel cell technologies, which use hydrogen to generate electricity with enough power to move ships and locomotives;- the development of new generation on-board storage solutions for hydrogen. For use in aircraft, lightweight but robust hydrogen tanks are needed, ensuring safety and efficiency in flight conditions; - the development of technologies for the production of hydrogen for mobility and transport applications, in particular for refueling stations on-site hydrogen refueling with pressurized, 99.99% pure, fuel-cell hydrogen. IPCEI Hydrogen 4 focuses on the specific challenges and objectives of hydrogen technology in mobility and transport applications, in complementarity with IPCEI Hydrogen 1 or Hy2Tech (development of hydrogen technologies for end users), the IPCEI Hydrogen 2 or Hy2Use (hydrogen applications in the industrial sector) and IPCEI Hydrogen 3 or Hy2Infra (infrastructure investments and large-scale plants).
Who is it aimed at?
The tender and the related resources are intended exclusively for companies that have already received the specific decision authorizing the aid from the EC on 28 May 2024. Applications presented by companies that have not already obtained the aforementioned authorization are therefore not eligible.
What does it predict
Granting of Fund benefits to entities implementing the project, authorized pursuant to European Commission Decision C(2024) 3631 final of 28 May 2024.