IPCEI Hy2Infra (commonly, IPCEI Hydrogen 3) supports investment activities in hydrogen infrastructure with the aim of achieving objectives of EU policy initiatives such as the European Green Deal, the REPower EU Plan and the EU Hydrogen Strategy, including: - the construction of 3.2 GW of large-scale electrolysers for the production of renewable hydrogen; – the construction of new and reconverted hydrogen transmission and distribution pipelines for approximately 2,700 km; – the development of large-scale hydrogen storage facilities with a capacity of at least 370 GWh; and- the construction of handling terminals and related port infrastructure for liquid organic hydrogen carriers (“LOHC”) to handle 6,000 tonnes of hydrogen per year. IPCEI Hydrogen 3 concerns investments in infrastructure and large-scale plants, which are not included in the first two IPCEIs (IPCEI Hydrogen 1 or Hy2Tech on the development of hydrogen technologies for end users, and IPCEI Hydrogen 2 or Hy2Use on hydrogen applications hydrogen in the industrial sector).
Who is it aimed at?
The tender and the related resources are intended exclusively for companies that have already received the specific decision authorizing the aid from the EC on 15 February 2024. Applications presented by companies that have not already obtained the aforementioned authorization are therefore not eligible.
What does it predict
Granting of Fund benefits to entities implementing the project, authorized pursuant to European Commission Decision C(2024) 1053 final of 15 February 2024.