The IPCEI Cloud supports research, development and innovation activities, including in the first industrial application, along a large part of the value chain of advanced cloud and edge computing technologies with the aim of promoting the digital and green transition, between which:• provide software that develops the necessary infrastructure features to build the basic layers of the edge cloud stack; • develop a common reference architecture that serves as a blueprint for configuring and operating a cloud and edge system; • develop a set of advanced cloud and edge services that can be seamlessly deployed across networks of suppliers; • develop sector-specific cases (for example in the energy, health and marine sectors). IPCEI Cloud is about the development of the first European interoperable and openly accessible data processing ecosystem, the multiprovider cloud to edge continuum. The project will develop data processing capabilities and software and data sharing tools that enable federated, energy-efficient and reliable data processing technologies deployed across cloud and edge and related services. The innovation developed will enable a new spectrum of possibilities for European businesses and citizens, promoting the digital and green transition in Europe.
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of the benefits are: • companies authorized by the European Commission Decision C(2023) 8552 final of 5 December 2023; • further subjects admitted following expression of interest, and in the cases provided for state aid notification and subsequent authorization by the European Commission in compliance with the relevant Decision.
What does it predict
Granting of Fund benefits to entities implementing the project, authorized pursuant to European Commission Decision C(2023) 8552 final of 5 December 2023.