IPCEI Batterie 2 supports research, development and innovation activities with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability along the entire value chain: from the extraction of raw materials, to the design and production of batteries, to recycling and introduction into the circular economy circuit . It contributes to the development of a whole set of innovations in production technology, including chemical and manufacturing processes, and further innovations across the entire value chain, in addition to those achievable with IPCEI Batteries 1.
Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at: • companies authorized by the European Commission Decision C(2021) 494 final of 26 January 2021; • additional entities admitted following expression of interest, notification and subsequent authorization by the European Commission in compliance with the relevant Decision.
What does it predict
Granting of Fund benefits to entities implementing the project, authorized pursuant to European Commission Decision C(2021) 494 final of 26 January 2021.