IPCEI Batteries 1 includes research, development and innovation activities that introduce highly innovative and sustainable technologies along the entire value chain of lithium-ion batteries, to improve life characteristics, charging times, safety and environmental compatibility of new products compared to the current state of the art. The project aims to improve the environmental sustainability of segments of the battery value chain, to reduce emissions and waste generated by production processes and to develop eco-sustainable models of disassembly/recycling of components and materials in line with the principles of circular economy.
Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at: • participating companies authorized by the European Commission Decision C(2019) 8823 final of 9 December 2019; • additional entities may be admitted following expression of interest, notification and subsequent authorization by the European Commission in compliance with the relevant Decision .
What does it predict
Granting of benefits to the entities carrying out the project, authorized as a result of the European Commission Decision C(2019) 8823 final of 9 December 2019.