A contribution for replacement costs during suspension of work for reasons related to pregnancy, maternity, needs related to raising children.
Who is it aimed at?
The following can benefit from the benefits, granted as aid under the de minimis regime: - female entrepreneurs, including company members, with operational units in the province of Bolzano and who carry out their work on a stable basis; - self-employed workers and freelancers who operate in the province of Bolzano; - participants in the family business referred to in the art. 230 bis of the Civil Code; coordinated and continuous collaborators provided they reside in the province of Bolzano. All these types of beneficiaries must have been enrolled in compulsory insurance for social security and welfare purposes for at least six months. To request the contribution, the beneficiaries must be in one of these situations: a) be pregnant, if the need for suspension from work has been ascertained by the specialist doctor; b) have cohabiting children under the age of twelve. Businesses must be classified as micro-businesses
What does it predict
The criteria include a contribution of max. 80% of the net expenditure incurred for job replacement for a maximum of 18 months for reasons of maternity, pregnancy and raising children under 12 years of age.