Interventions to support the production of audiovisual works created entirely or partially in Veneto. Type A - fiction feature films with a minimum duration of 52 minutes, intended for cinematographic and/or television exploitation (also Vo D and SVo D); - serials (fiction, documentary, docufiction) with a minimum overall duration of 90 minutes intended for cinematographic and/or television exploitation (also Vo D and SVo D); Type B - doc: documentaries with a minimum duration of 30 minutes; - short: fiction, animation and live action short films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes; - (Extended Reality): VR (Virtual reality), AR (Augmented Reality), MR (Mixed Reality).- animation: feature films and animated series with a minimum duration of 30 minutes, mainly for cinematographic exploitation and animation works with a duration overall. minimum of 30 minutes intended mainly for television broadcasting (also Vo D and SVo D);
Who is it aimed at?
Film production SMEs registered in the Company Register with ATECO code 59.11. Below is a summary of times and deadlines. Deadlines: First branch Opening date 05/07/2024 10:00 am Closing date 06/18/2024 5:00 pm Second branch Opening date 08/10/2024 10:00 am Closing date 11/19/2024 5:00 pm
What does it predict
Details on the type of support: Non-repayable contribution Intensity: Exemption regime Type A intervention 45% of the admitted expenditure Type B intervention 60% of the admitted expenditure Maximum support that can be granted: Type A intervention 353,250.00 Euro Type B intervention 51,500.00 Euro Duration of the project:1. Help desk 12/31/2025, 5.00 pm; 2. Help desk 05/31/2026, 5.00 pm. Financing interventions: - Workers, technical staff and artistic staff in the audiovisual sector, fixed-term or permanent employee resident in Veneto, - Services carried out by professionals and self-employed workers with VAT number in the audiovisual, technical or artistic sector resident in Veneto, as well as companies of the audiovisual, technical or artistic sector with operational headquarters in Veneto - Supply of external services including the rental of goods, directly connected with the production plan by subjects resident or with operational headquarters in Veneto holding a VAT number - Rental of theaters and locations, relating exclusively to the audiovisual project - Expenses for the hospitality of workers and professional figures resident and non-resident in Veneto.