Company recapitalization: this is a subsidized loan that can be granted against a recapitalization program aimed at implementing a company development project. The operation can be completed in two ways: a) Subsidized participatory loan: this is a subsidized loan payable to the cooperative enterprise in the presence of a capital increase, already approved and subscribed for at least the same amount by the members, who will make the payments into the social coffers in a deferred manner, corresponding to the repayment deadlines of the subsidized loan itself; b) Subsidized financing: this is a subsidy subject to a simultaneous capital increase of at least the same amount by the shareholders. The disbursement of the loan is subject to the payment of the increase into the social funds; c) corporate financial rebalancing, aimed at interventions to support working capital and carried out for an amount not exceeding 20% of the average inventory recorded in the financial statements of the last three financial years.
Who is it aimed at?
Cooperative companies registered in the register of Cooperatives at the IAA Chambers of Commerce and classifiable as SMEs pursuant to the current community regulations referred to in the definition of Recommendation 2003/361/EC of the Commission of 6 May 2003, implemented with Decree of the Minister of Productive Activities of 18 April 2005 (GU no. 238 of 12.10.2005). The following are excluded from the relief: cooperatives in economic-financial difficulty, consortia between cooperatives, joint cooperative groups and cooperative associations.
What does it predict
This is a subsidized loan of 100% of the eligible expenditure. The requesting company, directly or through the Consortium Bodies, will agree with the chosen financial intermediary on the possible release of guarantees to support the assignment. In the case of pre-financing operations activated after admission to the benefits of the Fund, the financial intermediaries will apply the same rate agreed with the beneficiaries.