MAD - Management Advisor srl

InnovaCultura FESR Lombardy

What you need to know

The InnovaCultura Call, based on European funds PR FESR 2021-2027, finances cultural and creative enterprises that will develop innovative cultural projects , in partnership with Lombard cultural institutions and places (museums, museum collections, recognized museum systems; recognized ecomuseums; libraries and recognized library systems; archives; UNESCO sites; non-state monumental complexes and archaeological parks).

Financial allocation

The overall resources allocated for the initiative amount to €6,000,000 from the PR ERDF 2021-2027, divided into four areas:

  • Scope A: partnerships between ICCs and museum collections/recognized museums and recognized museum systems €2,000,000
  • Area B: partnerships between ICC and recognized eco-museums”: €1,000,000
  • Scope C: “partnerships between ICC and UNESCO sites, archaeological areas and parks and non-state monumental complexes”: €1,500,000
  • Area D: “partnerships between ICCs and libraries and library systems, archives”: €1,500,000

Beneficiary subjects

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises individually or in partnership active in the cultural and creative sector, which includes activities:

  1. “core” cultural: visual arts, performing arts, cultural heritage;
  2. cultural: publishing (including its multimedia declinations), music, radio-television, cinema, video games and digital sector companies;
  3. creative: architecture, design and advertising/communication

Eligible expenses

1) personnel costs developing the product or service;

2) expenses for the acquisition of services carried out also in the form of collaborations, up to a maximum of 40% of the project value;

3) purchase of tools and equipment functional to the project (including transport, installation and assembly), up to a maximum of 30% of the project value. For electrical and electronic equipment the following requirements must be respected at the same time:

– the distributor or installer is registered in category 3/bis of the National Register of Environmental Managers pursuant to art. 212 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent amendments;

– the manufacturer (pursuant to art. 4 of Legislative Decree no. 49/2014) is registered in the register of Producers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment – ​​AEE (https:/

4) costs for the presentation of a guarantee (to be presented in case of request for the disbursement of the advance). These costs are eligible for each project partner company in the maximum amount of 2% of the overall cost of the intervention carried out.

5) flat-rate indirect costs of 7% of the direct costs for each partner. These expenses are automatically determined with a flat rate equal to 7% of the eligible expenses referred to in numbers 1), 2), 3), and 4). The relief relating to flat-rate expenses will be re-proportioned in the event of redetermination of the expenses to which it refers.


The benefit consists in the granting of a non-repayable contribution up to a maximum of 70% of the total cost of the project.
The projects must have a minimum value of 50,000 euros, reduced to 30,000 euros for projects presented in partnership with recognized ecomuseums, archives, libraries and recognized library systems.

The maximum contribution that can be granted cannot exceed the sum of 200,000 euros per project.
Contributions are reserved for businesses only. Relief under the de minimis regime.


The disbursement of the relief granted will take place in a maximum of two tranches: • advance (optional) of 40% of the contribution within 80 days of the request of the Lead Partner and upon presentation of suitable sureties by each beneficiary in proportion to the contribution obtained and for an amount equal to the advance granted. In the case of a partnership, this choice must be shared and extended to all beneficiaries. Guarantees issued by insurance intermediaries registered in Section II of the IVASS Company Register are excluded; balance, following a request from the Lead Partner upon submission of the report, which will be paid within 80 days of the request.


From 10.30am on 1 March 2024 until 12.00pm on 12 March 2024. Ranking evaluation procedure.


For more information contact Dr. Angela Colosimo. Email: | Mobile: 347.7135918

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Micro Enterprises, MSMEs


Non-repayable contribution


March 12, 2024


March 1, 2024

Geographic area




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