Initiatives to enhance agricultural production in mountain areas – Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – 2024

May 21, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Friuli Venezia Giulia


Agriculture, forestry and fishing


0 €





February 1, 2024
December 31, 2024


Over-the-counter contribution procedure
Share fact sheet


Contributions for the implementation of investment projects aimed at promoting the continuity of supply, improving logistics and concentrating, conserving, transforming and marketing agricultural products in mountain areas.

Who is it aimed at?

The beneficiaries of the contributions are subjects, such as business associations, companies, cooperatives, consortia or business networks, made up of companies that operate in at least one of the following activities: a) production of agricultural products, livestock farming and related activities; b) transformation of agricultural products also into non-agricultural products.

What does it predict

It provides for aid in de minimis to the extent of 80% of the following eligible expenses: a) purchase, construction, adaptation, extraordinary maintenance, renovation or expansion of real estate; b) purchase of machinery and equipment; c) promotion expenses in maximum limit of 10 percent of the expenses referred to in letters a) and b); d) technical, general and administrative expenses, up to a maximum limit of 10 percent of the expenses referred to in letter a); e) cost of value tax added (VAT) relating to the expenses referred to in letters a) to d), in the event that the same is not recoverable under current legislation.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

300000 €

Allowed Costs

Buildings and land, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, General expenses/other charges

Maximum grantable benefit

240000 €
Subject type
Consortium, Cooperatives/Non-Profit Associations, Enterprise, Business Network


Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Micro Enterprise, Unclassifiable/classified, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing


01.00; 01.10; 01.11; 01.12; 01.13; 01.14; 01.15; 01.16; 01.19; 01.20; 01.21; 01.22; 01.23; 01.24; 01.25; 01.26; 01.27; 01.28; 01.29; 01.30; 01.40; 01.41; 01.42; 01.43; 01.44; 01.45; 01.46; 01.47; 01.49; 01.50; 01.60; 01.61; 01.62; 01.63; 01.64; 01.70;


Friuli Venezia Giulia

Managing entity

Friuli-Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region - Central management of agri-food, forestry and fisheries resources - Rural development service

Primary regulatory basis

FVG - Stability law 2021
Secondary regulatory basis
FVG - Multisectoral and simplification provisions

Implementation measure

FVG - Stability law 2021

Incentive allocation

300000 €

Reference site

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