The incentive provides for a 50% IRPEF deduction intended for natural persons who invest in the risk capital of innovative startups or innovative SMEs. The benefits are granted pursuant to the “de minimis” Regulation (Regulation (EU) no. 1407/2013 of the Commission of 18 December 2013). The methods of accessing the benefit are governed by the Interministerial Decree of 28 December 2020. The measure is provided for by the Relaunch Decree (DL 34/2020, art. 38, paragraphs 7 and 8). In order to benefit from the incentive and before making the investment, the legal representative of the innovative startup or innovative SME is required to submit an application on the IT platform "Tax incentives under the «de minimis» regime for investments in start-ups and Innovative SMEs”.
Who is it aimed at?
Startups and Innovative SMEs.
What does it predict
The investment must be maintained for at least three years and can be made directly, or through collective investment undertakings (OICR) that invest mainly in innovative startups or innovative SMEs. For investments made in innovative startups, the eligible investment amounts to a maximum of 100 thousand euros for each tax period. For investments made in innovative SMEs, the eligible investment amounts to a maximum of 300 thousand euros for each tax period (beyond this limit, the investor can deduct 30% on the excess part in each tax period). Pursuant to the "de minimis" Regulation, the innovative startup or innovative SME recipient of the investment cannot obtain "de minimis" aid for more than 200 thousand euros over three financial years.