The initiative is financed by the Marche POC (Complementary Operational Program) 2014-2020 Axis 6 "Employment" Action 6.3 "Active labor policy interventions" - Guidelines for the issuing of the Public Notice relating to "Incentives for new hires of unemployed. The aim of the intervention is to support businesses through the provision of incentives for the hiring of unemployed individuals in order to encourage, on the one hand, new hires and on the other to reduce personnel costs
Who is it aimed at?
This Notice provides for the provision of incentives in favor of MSMEs (micro, small, medium enterprises) and large enterprises registered with the CCIA and freelancers, having, at the time of payment of the incentive, registered and/or operational headquarters in the Marche Region who hire the types of workers targeted by the measure indicated in the articles. 4 and 5 or 1. unemployed registered with the Employment Center pursuant to Legislative Decree 150/2015 and following. mm. ii, including those receiving social safety nets; 2. residents in a municipality in the Marche Region; 3. who are aged 18 or over; if foreigners, in possession of a valid valid residence permit that allows the exercise of a work activity or who have started the procedure for requesting renewal.
What does it predict
Contributions are available for new hires. The following types of intervention will be financed1. Hiring with a full-time permanent subordinate employment contract started after the publication of the Notice on the BURM and after the presentation of the incentive application by the company; 2 Hiring with a full-time fixed-term subordinate employment contract started after the publication of the Notice on the BURM and after the submission of the incentive application by the company. The contribution that can be granted to the beneficiaries €. 26,000.00 for full-time permanent hires €. 6,500.00 for full-time fixed-term hires. In the case of part-time contracts, the contribution is re-measured based on working hours. Each individual company/professional can access only one loan for a maximum amount of €52,000.00.