Incentives to businesses for the establishment of hotel accommodation facilities - Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia

October 22, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Friuli Venezia Giulia


Hotel, Tourism


0 €





September 1, 2023
November 21, 2023


No additional notes
Share fact sheet


Contributions for the construction of new hotel accommodation facilities or the conversion of properties to be used as hotel accommodation facilities, resulting from interventions having urban and construction relevance and including all works carried out on undeveloped land or on existing building stock (see article 4 paragraph 1 letters a), b) and c) and paragraph 2 letters b), c) and d) of LR 19/2009 – Regional Building Code).

Who is it aimed at?

The beneficiaries are the companies that, at the date of submission of the application, meet the following requirements: a) be active at the time of submission of the application or, in the case of newly established companies, undertake to be active within 90 days from the conclusion of the initiative; b) not be subjected to insolvency proceedings and not be in a state of bankruptcy, compulsory or voluntary liquidation or in any other equivalent situation and not be in conditions such as to be a company in difficulty as defined in the 'Article 2, point 18 of Regulation 651/2014; c) be in compliance with the provisions in force regarding building and urban planning regulations, work, accident prevention, environmental protection and social security contributions obligations; d) not have been recipients, in the three years preceding the application for contribution, of provisions for the total revocation of benefits granted by the regional administration, with the exception of those deriving from renunciations) not find themselves in impeding conditions pursuant to anti-mafia regulations; f) be owners of the properties or land on which the intervention which is the subject of the contribution application is located or holders of other real rights with a duration equal to that of the depreciation of the financed asset, in any case at least twenty years.

What does it predict

Contributions for the construction of new hotel accommodation facilities or the conversion of properties to be used as hotel accommodation facilities, resulting from interventions having urban and construction relevance and including all works carried out on undeveloped land or on existing building stock (see article 4 paragraph 1 letters a), b) and c) and paragraph 2 letters b), c) and d) of LR 19/2009 – Regional Building Code).

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

22000000 €

Allowed Costs

Personnel costs, Buildings and land, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Raw materials, consumables and goods, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Maximum grantable benefit

11000000 €
Subject type


Microenterprise, Small Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Large Enterprise

Activity sector

Hotel, Tourism




Friuli Venezia Giulia


Andreis; Barcis; Bicinicco; Cavasso Nuovo; Buja; Campoformido; Clauzetto; Codroipo; Colloredo di Monte Albano; Vodnjan; Fagagna; Forgaria in Friuli; Malborghetto Valbruna; Manzano; Marano Lagunare; Martignacco; Montenars; Moraro; Roveredo in Piano; Pasian of Prato; Pavia of Udine; San Daniele del Friuli; San Canzian d'Isonzo; San Pier d'Isonzo; Santa Maria la Longa; Savogna; Tarcento; Aiello del Friuli; Terzo d'Aquileia; Varmo; Ampezzo; Attimis; Cavazzo Carnico; Cividale del Friuli; Gemona from Friuli; Gonars; Latisana; Lestizza; Majano; Palmanova; Povoletto; Pradamano; Ravascletto; Raveo; Rive d'Arcano; Ronchis; San Leonardo; Ronchi dei Legionari; San Quirino; Talmasons; Sappada; Torreano; Treppo Grande; Turriaco; Vivaro; Lame; Bitter; Azzano Decimo; Cimolais; Cordovado; Fanna; Forni di Sotto; Gorizia; Lusevera; Moimacco; Paularo; Polcenigo; Pravisdomini; Reana del Rojale; San Vito al Tagliamento; Trivignano Udinese; Sgonico; Arba; Budoia; Camino al Tagliamento; Caneva; Chions; Pug; Frisanco; Forni di Sopra; Duino Aurisina; Pasiano of Pordenone; Pordenone; Mariano del Friuli; Porpetto; Premariacco; Prepotto; Socchieve; San Lorenzo Isontino; Savogna d'Isonzo; Witch; Tavagnacco; Torviscosa; Travesio; Valvasone Arzene; Treppo Ligosullo; Vito d'Asio; Verzegnis; Visco; Aviano; Bagnaria Arsa; Campolongo Tapogliano; Claut; Erto and Casso; Corno di Rosazzo; Veneto River; Fontanafredda; Gradisca d'Isonzo; Pinzano al Tagliamento; Lauco; Move; Pozzuolo del Friuli; Carnic Meadow; Precenicco; Resia; Rivignano Teor; Romans d'Isonzo; Sacile; Sequals; San Giorgio di Nogaro; Sunsets Below; Sutrio; Tricesimo; Aquileia; Villa Vicentina; Villesse; Basilian; Bertiolo; Buttrium; Casarsa della Delizia; Chiopris-Viscone; Chiusaforte; Cosean; Cormons; Doberdò del Lago; Faedis; Fiumicello; Fiumicello Villa Vicentina; Flaiban; Avoltri ovens; Fogliano Redipuglia; Maniago; Ligosullo; Magnano in Riviera; Morsano al Tagliamento; Monfalcone; Muggia; Nimis; Osoppo; Ovaro; Pagnacco; Pontebba; Ragogna; San Giorgio della Richinvelda; Ruled; Ruda; San Giovanni al Natisone; San Vito al Torre; Sedegliano; Spilimbergo; Tolmezzo; Staranzano; Sunsets Above; Trasaghis; Treppo Carnico; Cercivento; Zuglio; Capriva del Friuli; Dolegna del Collio; Farra d'Isonzo; Medea; Montereale Valcellina; Mereto di Tomba; Moggio Udinese; Muzzana del Turgnano; Palazzolo dello Stella; Paluzza; Porcia; Prata di Pordenone; Preon; Pulfero; Remanzacco; Resiutta; San Martino al Tagliamento; Sixth at Reghena; Sauris; Arta Terme; Udine; Villa Santina; Brugnera; Artegna; Bordano; Cassacco; Street Castions; Cervignano del Friuli; Cordenons; Comeglians; Dogna; Drenchia; Enemonzo; Grade; Meduno; Grimacco; Lignano Sabbiadoro; Mortegliano; Pocenia; Monrupino; Sagrado; San Floriano del Collio; San Dorligo della Valle; San Pietro al Natisone; San Vito di Fagagna; Taipana; Vajont; Tarvisio; Trieste; Castelnovo del Friuli; Moruzzo; Venzone

Managing entity

Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Primary regulatory basis

FVG - Budget adjustment law 2022-2024
Secondary regulatory basis
FVG - Regulation implementing article 2, paragraphs 12 and 13 of the regional law of 5 August 2022, n. 13, (Settlement of the budget for the years 2022-2024, pursuant to article 6 of the regional law of 10 November 2015, n. 26), concerning criteria and methods for the granting and provision of incentives to companies for the establishment of hotel accommodation facilities having sufficient quality requirements for the classification marked by a number of stars of no less than four.

Implementation measure

FVG - Budget adjustment law 2022-2024

Incentive allocation

16000000 €

Reference site

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