Public notice from the City of Turin for the selection of projects and provision of contributions to support the activation of community spaces capable of effectively intercepting the social, cultural and educational needs of residents and offering local services for the particular benefit of people in conditions of fragility. These community spaces must provide for the establishment of physical facilities located in public space or in any case easily accessible to the public, whose activities take place primarily in public space.
Who is it aimed at?
Legally constituted bodies of a private non-profit nature (associations, third sector bodies or other private non-profit entities), registered in the Municipal Register of Associations referred to in Regulation no., are eligible entities. 211 of the City of Turin or, alternatively, to the RUNTS or specific regional/national registers depending on the legal nature of the entity.
What does it predict
The City will provide non-repayable contributions from a minimum of Euro 120,000.00 to a maximum of Euro 240,000.00 to cover 80% of the eligible expenditure. The total resources available amount to Euro 2,400,000.00.