The Call intends to consolidate and strengthen the economic development of businesses in the trade, tourism, artisan and service sectors that are present in the territory and which, in a complementary way, contribute to the expansion of the offer of available services and to the overall improvement of socio-economic conditions of the population
Who is it aimed at?
It is aimed at MSMEs registered in the Business Register and active, who have a local unit, or who undertake to open, within the deadline for the conclusion of the tender, a local unit, which is located within the territorial scope of the Commercial District. Or to aspiring entrepreneurs.
What does it predict
A non-repayable benefit, against a spending budget made up of capital expenditure and current expenditure. It can be a maximum of 50% of the total eligible expenditure (capital and current account) and in any case not greater than the amount of capital expenditure. Investment projects are eligible which may include the following types of interventions: • redevelopment and modernisation, with a view to innovation and sustainability, of existing activities; • start-up of new activities or opening of new local units, or takeover of a new owner at an existing business. The interventions must:• be carried out at a local unit located within the District area and in possession of the above-mentioned requirements;• involve an eligible activity (retail sale of goods and/or services, supply of food and drinks, provision of personal services);• involve a commercial activity in a public area that has a concession within the territorial scope of the District.