The call aims to strengthen and interconnect the accommodation offer and the territorial services connected to it from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. The intervention will specifically support the creation of new service businesses with the aim of enhancing the hospitality offer through activities that enhance the material and intangible resources of the cultural, environmental, historical and archaeological heritage in the territory of the GAL SGT.
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of the support are natural persons (individual or associated) who intend to start a new micro or small business in the GAL area to carry out non-agricultural activities in the key sectors of diversification of rural development identified in the art. 2 “Description and purpose of the type of intervention” and art. 8 “Eligibility requirements” of the notice.
What does it predict
The support is granted in the form of a flat-rate financing aid for the start-up of a new micro or small non-agricultural business.