LAG Piceno – Submeasure: B VI Publication – Support for structural investments in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities – Action 2 Services to the population and businesses

April 17, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Commerce, Culture, ICT, Tourism


2000 €





April 8, 2024
May 21, 2024


No additional notes


The objective and purpose is to promote the socio-economic relaunch of the territory, supporting and increasing the attractiveness of the territory, both for settlement purposes and for tourism purposes, thanks to the activation of innovative system actions, for the valorization of local resources , for the organization of the tourist and cultural offer and for the qualification of services to citizens, businesses and tourists. The tender supports investments made in the territory of the GAL Piceno, municipalities of Acquasanta Terme, Acquaviva Picena, Appignano del Tronto, Arquata del Tronto, Carassai, Castignano, Castorano, Comunanza, Cossignano, Cupra Marittima, Force, Massignano, Montalto delle Marche, Montedinove, Montefiore dell'Aso, Montegallo, Montemonaco, Offida, Palmiano, Ripatransone, Roccafluvione, Rotella and Venarotta aimed at the creation and development of activities and services that can allow an effective and lasting implementation of investments within the Leader Piceno territory . The operation involves the granting of aid intended for the co-financing of structural investments by companies, for the development of activities capable of providing the following services, in compliance with the requirements established by specific laws: a) Services in the hospitality sector and tourism aimed at improving the quality of tourist facilities in rural areas, increasing the types of offer, diversifying the forms of hospitality in the area; Agritourism activities are excluded; b) Guide and information services aimed at the usability of museums, cultural, artisanal and agri-food assets and exhibition spaces, through the presence of specialized personnel able to guarantee the opening of the assets and provide the necessary information, including the possibility of developing didactic and educational activities for adults and children (the activities of educational farms and agrinido are excluded); c) Guide and accompaniment services in the tourist visit of landscape assets, reserves, parks and other natural elements detected at national or local, including the possibility of developing didactic and educational activities for adults and children; d) Digitization and computerization services dedicated to historical, cultural, natural and landscape assets for a better knowledge of the heritage of the area of ​​interest and as support for guidance and information activities; e) Services for setting up exhibitions and performances in the theatrical, visual, musical arts, etc.; f) Social and welfare services such as rehabilitation and social integration activities aimed mainly at the elderly and people with disabilities, but also to other subjects with disadvantaged situations; g) Educational and didactic services for recreational and aggregation activities intended for different age and training groups; h) Innovative services relating to IT activities and information and communication technologies to support the population and businesses in the area.

Who is it aimed at?

The application for support, pursuant to this announcement, can be submitted by Micro enterprises, defined according to Annex I of EU Regulation 702 of 06.25.2014 ABER, pursuant to Commission recommendation 2003/361/EC of 06.05. 2003, to be established or already existing which undertake to carry out an activity in the sectors referred to in the description of the types of eligible interventions. The applicant must not be the recipient of personal prevention measures or convicted with a final sentence or, even if not definitive, confirmed at appeal level, for the organized crime crimes listed in the art. 51, paragraph 3 bis of the criminal procedure code. At the time of submitting the application, the company must possess the following requirements: 1. Not be included among companies in difficulty (see definitions); 2. Be registered in the SIAN registry with a duly validated position (company file); 3. Be: - existing micro-enterprises with a VAT number, registered with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, already active in the chosen activity or which carry out other activities and which they undertake to obtain before submitting the payment application, the authorization to carry out the activity to be started for the eligible interventions; - newly established micro-enterprises with a VAT number, which through the single business communication, register in the register of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, with the formula "establishment of a new business without immediate start of economic activity" which undertake to obtain, before submitting the payment application, authorization and registration to carry out the chosen activity;4. Have its registered or operational headquarters in the territory of the Municipalities: Acquasanta Terme, Acquaviva Picena, Appignano del Tronto, Arquata del Tronto, Carassai, Castignano, Castorano, Comunanza, Cossignano, Cupra Marittima, Force, Massignano, Montalto delle Marche, Montedinove, Montefiore dell' Aso, Montegallo, Montemonaco, Offida, Palmiano, Ripatransone, Roccafluvione, Rotella and Venarotta 5. Have the availability of the building or buildings and/or the surfaces on which the intervention is intended to be carried out before submitting the application until the commitments undertaken have been fully fulfilled by adhering to this announcement (inalienability restriction of five years and intended use restriction of ten years). The availability must result from: - title of ownership; - title of usufruct; - rental contract written and registered before the submission of the application for support; - in the case of undivided ownership, the title of possession is proven by a rental contract pro- share.

What does it predict

Expenses are eligible for support if they comply with the rules established by articles no. 65 and 69 of Reg. (EU) no. 1303 of 17/12/2013 and article no. 45 of Reg. (EU) n. 1305 of 12/17/2013. The following expenses strictly necessary for the implementation of the eligible types of intervention are eligible: 1. Renovation building works, recovery of buildings to be used for the activities indicated above, including the construction and/or adaptation of technological systems (thermal - plumbing - electrical etc. );2. Arrangement of external areas, functional to carrying out the activity; 3 General expenses - fees of professional technicians are eligible, up to a limit of 10% to be calculated on interventions relating to investments and fixed systems, i.e. equipment installed permanently and immovably. In no case can the amount relating to general expenses exceed, for a single investment, the limits set by the regional price list (DGR 799 of 06/29/2020, DGR 1138 of 09/27/2021 and subsequent amendments and additions).4. Purchase of equipment (furnishings, equipment, tools) necessary and strictly functional for carrying out the activity;5. Vehicles/means of transport for the exclusive use of the activity, referred to in intervention f) Social and welfare services; The following are considered general expenses: a) fees for the technical-economic report; b) fees for the design of the proposed interventions (design documents - CME - technical report signed and stamped by a qualified professional); c) fees for the direction of the works and the management of the construction site. The aid rate is equal to: • 50% of the eligible cost of building works, systems, external arrangements and general expenses; • 40% of the cost of supplies (furnishings, equipment, tools, etc.). Increase for interventions in the crater area pursuant to Legislative Decree 17 October 2016 n. 189, coordinated with the conversion law of 15 December 2016 n. 229 – (Acquasanta Terme, Appignano del Tronto, Arquata del Tronto, Castignano, Castorano, Comunanza, Cossignano, Force, Montalto delle Marche, Montedinove, Montegallo, Montemonaco, Offida, Palmiano, Roccafluvione, Rotella and Venarotta) of 10% of which an aid rate of: • 60% of the eligible cost of the construction works, including systems and general expenses; • 50% of the cost of the necessary supplies (furnishings, equipment, tools, etc.). The contributions are paid pursuant to the de minimis regime as per Regulation 1407/2013 to be included in the National Aid Register (RNA).

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

2000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

450000 €

Allowed Costs

Buildings and land, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Services, patents and licenses, Overheads/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted

2.000 €

Maximum grantable benefit

200000 €
Subject type
Consortium, Cooperatives/Non-Profit Associations, Company, Company to be established - Other



Activity sector

Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Commerce, Culture, ICT, Tourism


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Special territorial scope

Seismic zones

Other features


Managing entity

Piceno scarl

Primary regulatory basis

Marche Region - Service to the population and businesses
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Marche Region - Service to the population and businesses

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

278000 €

Reference site

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