Sub-intervention – “Support for innovation processes for existing businesses and startups” provides for the granting of capital aid for business investments in non-agricultural activities, both tangible and intangible, intended for the growth of the activities carried out by micro and small non-agricultural enterprises and individuals from rural areas through the introduction of innovation models in existing businesses. In particular, projects that introduce process or product innovations for actions related to the thematic area of "sustainable tourism" and all the opportunities that new technologies, digital and the sharing economy offer in terms of innovation, supporting the propensity for change, for new models of sustainable production and consumption, in terms of economic development.
Who is it aimed at?
Non-agricultural micro and small businesses are eligible for support. The interventions located in the Municipalities of the LEADER area of the Logudoro Goceano GAL will be financed: Anela, Ardara, Banari, Benetutti, Bessude, Bonnanaro, Bono, Bonorva, Borutta, Bottidda, Bultei, Burgos, Cheremule, Cossoine, Esporlatu, Giave, Illorai, Ittireddu, Mara, Monteleone Rocca Doria, Mores, Nughedu S. Nicolo, Nule, Padria, Pattada, Pozzomaggiore, Romana, Semestene, Siligo, Thiesi, Torralba, Tula and Villanova Monteleone and those located in the D2 Municipalities, i.e. in the municipality of Ozieri.
What does it predict
For the implementation of financeable interventions, aid is granted in the form of a capital contribution. The intensity of the support is set at 50% of the expenditure eligible for financing.